Paul McKenna
Paul McKenna

News and information on Paul McKenna's weight loss seminars.

Weight Loss and Your Mind

Is the key to successful weight loss all in the mind? Paul McKenna’s Easy Weight Loss Seminar promises to completely re-pattern your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about yourself, your health and food to help you easily get control of your diet and lose weight – in an easy manner.

McKenna says unless you have a way to change what food means to you on a deep unconscious level, your automatic responses relating to food are never going to change for long before you go right back to your old ways. He advocates when you change your attitude to food, you change your whole outlook on life.

The Secrets of Naturally Thin People

The Easy Weight Loss Seminar aims to show you how you can change what food means to you. It claims to help you to easily, naturally and without struggle say "no" to second helpings and to any foods that don’t support you in your health and weight loss goals.

Craving Buster

McKenna believes any craving you may have felt is a learned behaviour. That means you weren’t born with it and if you learned it, you can unlearn it. Paul will demonstrate how it is possible to break any craving and re-programme yourself in just minutes.

Exercise Made Easy

With its powerful mind programming sessions the seminar promises to change you, change the way you think about food and reinforce your motivation to take appropriate exercise.

At the end of the day you will be given a free weight loss pack

Paul McKenna PhD is an expert on the power of the human mind. He has appeared and demonstrated his incredible talents on television in over 42 countries. He is a best-selling author and more than a million people have been helped by his self-help programmes. He has worked with Olympic gold medallists and World champion sports people, top business achievers, rock stars, film stars and even royalty.

Start a Free Trial Today

Weight Loss Resources has a great set of tools to help you lose weight. You can keep food and exercise diaries, and find out how to achieve the calorie balance that is going to get you to your ideal weight and keep you there. Try it free for 24 hours.

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