Graham's Weight Loss Success
Graham: Weight Loss Success Story

Graham has achieved successful weight loss with the help of WLR. He has managed to combine his busy schedule and work load with a new approach to weight loss, helping him to lose three stone!

Graham's Weight Loss Success

Graham, Age 47, Height 6ft 1in
Start Weight 16st 8lbs
Current Weight 13st 8lbs
Goal Weight 13st 7lbs
Weight Lost 3st
Working to Rate of Loss 2lbs per week

About Graham

Even though I work in a completely sedentary job, I try to keep active at weekends with walking and mountain biking.

"I enjoy good food and wine but with a job that takes me away from home regularly, I've been unable to consistently stay active enough for my calorie intake."

I'm married with 14 year old twins (boy and girl). I do most of the cooking in the house and with demands for different meals at different times; it's always been a temptation for me to try a little bit of everything as I cook.

I work as a Project Manager and spend most of my time in front of a computer.

My job involves many late night calls with people in California, so getting any time for exercise or planning a healthy diet has always been tough.

I also travel a lot to California which means hotel food and bars driving my weight up on every trip.

Dieting History

I tried a Low GI diet book which provided some very quick weight loss for a couple of weeks.

I never really changed any long-term eating habits, so the weight soon went back on.

How Being Overweight Has Affected You

Since I still managed to keep active even at 16 stone plus, my weight never really stopped me from doing what I wanted to do.

"The only down side is that when I see myself in photos with other people, I think ‘who's the fat guy with my pals?’"

That eventually did start to worry me and was what drove me to search for a new approach to weight loss.

Graham during
Graham during

What Was Your Main Motivation To Lose Weight?

To lose enough weight to do the things in life that I love to do, but better, such as mountain biking, snowboarding and sailing.

The Best Of WLR

The daily food diary is my main focus. Without counting what I eat in detail, my weight always drifts back up.

I like the Goals and Results pages too. Having all that data to hand is really effective in keeping me focused.

Why Do You Think WLR Has Helped You Lose Weight Where Other Diets Have Failed?

It works. Simple as that.

"I know what I've eaten and if I am over my limit, I know what to expect. There's too much guess work in other diets."

Have You Struggled at Points in Your Weight Loss Journey? Experienced a Weight Loss Plateau? What Has Kept You Motivated?

I have had several periods where I gained weight. Always when I'm travelling and can't (or don't) use WLR.

"Failing to log my intake coupled with hotel food etc. inevitably means a plateau or weight gain."

Having faith in the WLR system means that I know as soon as I get home and back in to the routine, I'll get my weight loss on track again.

Lifestyle Changes

I've taken up running after a break of 20 plus years. I set my self a goal to do that as soon as I got below 15st.

It was tough at first but with the help of a good running book and the good folks on the WLR Running Forum, I soon got back in to it.

"It might not sound much but I'm delighted to be running again for 30 minutes at a time without a break. I’m planning for a 10K next summer."

I can also now plan ahead for a big night out or other event where I know I'll go over without feeling guilty about it the morning after.

Exercise Changes

Gym 3 times per week in addition to any walking or biking. Keeping that routine in my diary has helped with the focus on calories too

What You Love About Your Body Now

It's now starting to look like the body I always thought I had, I guess I was always denying being overweight.

  Before After
BMI 29.4 24.9
Cholesterol 5.1 4.9

Your Tips

Share your weight loss goals with others. Not folks on WLR but your friends and family. It's a great motivation to know that they'll ask you next time you see them if you made you goal this week or month.

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* Note: The success stories published on Weight Loss Resources are written by WLR members, past and present, telling their own stories in their own words. As you will see if you read more than one or two of them, everyone's story is different and they have reached their success from a variety of starting points and lost weight at varying rates. Individual results may vary.

Lose a Stone for Christmas Challenge

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