Dawn's Weight Loss Success Story
Start | Current | |
Weight | 11st 8lbs | 10st 7lbs |
About Dawn
I'm 49 and am co-habiting with my partner Richard.
I have two daughters aged 14 and 26 and 3 pets - two cats and a Springer Spaniel.
"I have always had a battle with an extra stone or even a stone and a half from about the age of 18 or so anyway."
I have yo-yo dieted for about 30 years now swinging between about 10 stone and nearer 11½ stone.
I came across the WLR website when I Googled 'weight-loss' just after Christmas and decided to give it a go.
Last Christmas I had hit my all time high of almost 12 stone and I knew something had to change.
I joined this site on the 4th January and although its taken me quite a long time and much longer than many others I am confident that this time I know how to keep the weight off for good.
What other diets have you tried in the past?
Previously I have tried Slimfast but found it boring, unfulfilling and unrealistic to survive on so many shakes and bars.
I have also tried Weight Watchers but didn't find counting points nearly as easy as counting calories which are, of course, on every food we buy nowadays.
How has your weight affected your lifestyle/mood. How did other people react to you?
When I was at my heaviest I felt really fed up with myself - annoyed that I had put on weight yet again and depressed that none of my clothes fitted properly.
Everything I was wearing felt tight and uncomfortable but due to financial pressures I wasn't really able to afford to buy bigger sizes and to be honest I didn't want to have to.
I was lucky I suppose in that I didn't really have any negative comments about my increasing size but thats possibly because family and friends are used to my fluctuations!
"It is amazing how losing just 20lbs or so as I have can have such an impact. I feel so, so much better now."
When I began to lose weight, although it was very slowly, I immediately began to feel more positive.
This has a knock-on effect I believe ‘cos when you start to feel better you don't want to ruin it all by overeating or just eating too much of the wrong foods.

What has been your main motivation to lose weight?
I suppose my main motivation to lose weight was the fact that my clothes were no longer fitting and also the fact that I'm 50 next year and I wanted to slim down before that.
Which tools and resources do you use regularly on WLR? Which tools do you find invaluable?
One of the best things I've found about WLR is its flexibility.
"I found I was always in control, could set my weight loss level to whatever I wished and could give myself the odd bit of 'time off' by reverting to maintenance calories."
Although I have been far from saintly with my eating I found that when I counted religiously and stuck to the rules I lost weight.
It really is a very simple system to use and because there are no foods banned it doesn't actually feel like a 'diet' as such.
Try Weight Loss Resources' Tools for Yourself
If like Dawn, you want to take control and start losing weight, then use the tools and resources from Weight Loss Resources to get started. Try us free for 24 hours, no credit card details required.
Have you purchased or used any products/fitness equipment that have helped you to reach your goals?
I have bought the WLR food and exercise diary and the calorie counter and will continue to monitor my intake for the foreseeable future though I do actually feel confident that this time I won't regain the lost weight
Since losing weight can you give examples of how your life has changed?
Losing weight has made me feel so much better about myself.
"I have been able to buy some lovely summer clothes and feel fitter and happier in all that I do."
I know my body isn't perfect and at the age of 49 with 2 children I don't expect it to be but I'm more than happy with the way it is now.
I am 5'5 1/2 inches and joined WLR at 11st 8lbs having previously been about 5 or 6 pounds heavier.
I am now 10st 7lbs which has put me in the healthy weight range with a BMI of 24.1.
I was wearing size 14/16 dresses before and am now 12/14. All my jeans/trousers are a size 12 and I even have a couple of skirts with a size 10 label.
I realise they must be generously sized but it’s still so good to see size 10 on the label and it certainly makes me smile.

What exercise routines have you adopted?
I'm afraid my exercising hasn't really gone beyond walking. It is however, a vast improvement on sitting on the sofa eating snacks as in the past.
I am actually quite keen to walk now and wear a pedometer every day to ensure I walk at least 3 miles and sometimes up to 6. Our dog is delighted with the new me lol.
Dawn’s Tips
I would say to anyone thinking of joining WLR to give it a go.
"To stick at it even when you don't see a loss - there were times when I plateaued or even gained but this time instead of throwing in the towel I just kept going and got there in the end."
I would also advise reading and posting on the boards regularly as the help and support of fellow WLR members is invaluable.
If you have a bad day and eat too much just log it and forget it - start each day anew.
Try to incorporate some sort of exercise into your day even if, like me, it’s only walking.
"It all helps, it gets you extra calories to eat, helps you feel fitter and more focused and can even lift your mood."
Do you want to include anything else that you feel is relevant and supportive and would help others?
I would heartily recommend joining WLR whether you've got 10lbs or 10stones to go.
The only thing you have to lose is the weight!!!!
Lose Weight and Get Healthier
Weight Loss is easy with the tools in WLR. You can use the information on Weight Loss Resources to count how many calories you need to consume each day and how many you are actually eating. Try it free for 24 hours
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* Note: The success stories published on Weight Loss Resources are written by WLR members, past and present, telling their own stories in their own words. As you will see if you read more than one or two of them, everyone's story is different and they have reached their success from a variety of starting points and lost weight at varying rates. Individual results may vary.