Laura Finally Found Weight Loss That Works!

Laura Finally Found Weight Loss That Works!

Laura, Age 70, Height 5'2"
  Weight Dress Size
Start 15 stone 11 lb 22/24
Current 10 stone 12lb 14
Laura's Lost 4 stone 13 lb 5 dress sizes
Time Taken 2 years

A bit about me and my lifestyle...

I am 70 and was born in Scotland. I moved to London in the late 60’s and worked in various jobs including stocktaking, telesales, and import/export sales for a large and popular lager company. I married in 1979 and had my son in 1981.

I returned to work in 1984 and due to childcare issues spent 27 years working in 2 primary schools going from washing paint brushes and ending in charge of 2 reading libraries and assisting the IT teacher in running a whole school computer network. (None of which I allowed my weight to impact on.)

How I've tried to lose weight in the past...

I've tried Weight-watchers, Slimming World and in the early 1980’s I had my jaws wired.

I didn’t like the open meetings where everyone knew or commented on your loss or gain over the previous week. I found both humiliating and didn’t stay long at either.

"The jaw wiring did help with weight loss, but despite follow up sessions with a dietitian and a psychologist, I regained the lost weight and put on even more."

How my weight affected me...

From my 30’s to my 60’s I’ve been all weights and sizes, I would not let that stop me from doing what I wanted but was always the first to get in the fat jokes.

I didn't like other people’s (family and friends aside) assumptions that because I was fat I must eat a lot of cake, biscuits and sweets (which was never really my problem), and they didn’t have to consider anything else for secret Santa presents etc

My motivation to lose weight...

In my 50’s I was diagnosed with Hypertension and an ECG confirmed a hardening to my arteries. Since then, I have been trying to control my weight.

I joined a gym and for 7 or 8 years I kept my weight down.

Then a problem with my thyroid caused me to gain more weight despite my best efforts.

After an operation, I started to regain control. A friend told me about WLR and I joined in April 2019.

How wlr helped me reach my goal...

I like the fact that WLR allows me to have my normal diet and does not try to control what I eat, there are no fads or fancies to worry about.

"I started to regain control"

The wlr tools that helped me the most...

I use all the main food diary tools, favourites, plans and recipes, and read the forum boards.

The database is great... I don't have to worry about working out calories, and the helpteam are a fantastic resource.

How I stayed motivated to keep losing weight...


"This is truly the easiest thing I have tried."

I have had some small gains, some losses and lots of plateaux, but no gain is still a positive result.

My friend and I have been supporting each other regarding weight issues for many years and report to each other weekly, which has helped keep me motivated.

How exercise has helped my weight loss...

I haven't adopted any new types of exercise, simply walking has helped.

Since the beginning of this year I have been walking much more and now regularly walk 5/6 miles a day. I am 590 miles into the Lands End to John O' Groats 1000 mile challenge.

My personal weight loss benefits...

I feel better and healthier. I have more energy and my stamina is improving.

My top tip for losing weight successfully....

To remember that a bad day is just that... A DAY! We all have them - and try not to let it turn into a week or longer.

My top 3 tips for getting the most out of wlr...

  1. Weigh everything.
  2. Be honest with yourself but remember to be kind to yourself.
  3. Don’t compare yourself with others: we are all different.

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The Weight Loss Resources tools can help you break the yo-yo diet cycle. Keeping an online food diary and learning about eating healthily really puts you in control. You can try it free for 24 hours

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Jaw Wiring... What is it?

Jaw wiring is where your jaw is wired shut in order to stop solid food being able to be consumed. This can be done for medical reasons (such as a fractured jaw), or to aid weight loss.

Although it was more common in the 1970's and 1980's, it is still occassionally performed today.

It involves elements that look a little like today's corrective braces, with wire wrapped at tension to keep your jaw closed enough not to be able to pass solid food or chew, but not so much that you can't speak.

People who have experienced the procedure have reported weight loss, as your diet needs to be a liqued diet (either specially made shakes, or blended foods).

However, once the wiring is removed it is likely that weight is re-gained as the person returns to their previous 'normal' eating habits.

Lose a Stone for Christmas Challenge

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