Message Boards

Best of the Boards

WLR's Message Boards get some wonderful posts; inspirational, supportive, practical and compassionate.

In Best of the Boards we aim to capture some of the most helpful and inspiring messages from WLR's forum.

Keeping it Going

A major challenge faced by most dieters, member Joath says the boards saved her from throwing it all away more than once.

"When I first threw all my big clothes out I freaked out completely. The advice on the board was that any change is scary even if it's a change for the better. That piece of advice really helped me to re-focus on why I was making this journey"

Weight Loss

Diet is such a scary word



What was your last straw?

Why do you want to lose weight?



Gym induction

DIY is V good



Grocery shopping essentials?

Eggs - it works!

Chocolate sin - yummy



Feel like giving up

Crying over my keyboard

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