South African Potjie Cooking
Low Calorie Recipes and Food From South Africa

A selection of low calorie recipes from South Africa. Find out about South African food and cooking.

Low Calorie Recipes from South Africa

By WLR's Food Information Executive, Laurence Beeken

"Rainbow Nation" is a fitting description of the South African population which has a tremendously wide cultural heritage. Naturally, such diversity brings with it a vast array of eating habits, diets, tastes, recipes, and cuisines.

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Traditional South African Food

Looking back at the history of South African food and cooking; crayfish (rock lobster), mussels and abalone featured in indigenous coastal recipes. The more inland recipes consisted of lamb or beef depending on the animals herded, or even venison if it could be caught. 

Vegetables included edible seaweeds, green leaves and roots.
The influx of traders and colonists further added to the available dishes, with Malasian and Dutch travellers bringing their favourite recipes and spices.

When the French arrived they brought vines with them and transformed forever the agriculture of the Cape. French recipes blended with Dutch and Cape Malay and became South African recipes. These recipes retained some of the French influence but developed into purely South African Recipes.

Modern South African Recipes

Now South Africa offers some delicious meat dishes, as well as tempting desserts.

When it comes to contemporary cuisine, you find that most people enjoy a potjie which is basically a big stew cooked in a cast iron pot on hot coals and then served with rice or cous cous.

Another stew type of dish is the breedie which is usually tomato based. Also popular is bobotie which is a spicy mince dish baked in the oven and served with yellow rice and considered to be the National dish by many.  

Take a look through our selection of South African recipes for inspiration, and if the weather permits, why not try  the traditional South African Barbecue (braai), where you can marinade all manner of meats and vegetables then kick back with a fine South African wine and enjoy the company.

Low Calorie South African Recipes

Bobotie (406 kcal per serving)

Similar to moussaka, this traditional South African baked lamb dish is sure to be a hit with the whole family. Pronounced ba-boor-tea, it is a delicious mixture of seasoned meat and dried fruit topped with a golden custard. View our low calorie bobotie recipe.

Chicken Curry Potjie (409 kcal per serving)

Traditionally cooked in a large pot, this Chicken Curry Potjie is a great way to be able to entertain and still enjoy a great meal. Simply add all the ingredients into a slow cooker (or into the oven on a low heat) and leaving it to simmer for a couple of hours until you’re ready to enjoy! View our low calorie chicken potjie recipe.

Tomato Bredie (377 kcal per serving)

Remember to cook your bredie slowly. The flavours are greatly improved if you make it a day in advance. View our low calorie bredie recipe.

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