Carrots soup on a table

Carrot & Coriander Soup Recipe

By the wlr team

This simple, tasty soup is low in calories and high in fibre. Easy to make and guaranteed to warm you up, soup doesn’t always need to come from a can.

  • Recipe makes: 4 servings
  • Prep time:
    20 mins
  • Cook time: 20 mins
  • Calories: 94
    per serving


  • 1000g carrots
  • 186g onions
  • 14g garlic
  • 1000ml water
  • 25g fresh coriander leaves

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  1. Wash the carrots and cop into chunks.
  2. Peel and chop the onion.
  3. Peel and chop the garlic.
  4. Put the water into a pan that is large enough to hold all the ingredients.
  5. Take the chopped carrots and add to the pan.
  6. Add the garlic and onions.
  7. Bring the pan to the boil then turn the heat down to a simmer. After about 5-10 minutes add the coriander, and continue cooking until the carrots are soft.
  8. Put half of the mixture including some of the water into a liquidizer, and liquidize until smooth, put this into another container, and continue with the remainder, again put this with the other mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.

At this stage you can reheat and use this for a meal, or you can put it into the fridge and use over the next few days.

Nutrition information per serving
Calories (kcal)94
Carbohydrate (g)20.3
Fat (g)0.9
Protein (g)2.5
Fibre (g)6.6
Alcohol (g)0.0
Fruit & Veg4.1

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