Previous Press Releases
By the wlr team
Press Release - December 2014
How to Increase the Staying Power of Your New Year Weight Loss Resolutions
New Year resolutions have a bad reputation – probably because many people have a few thoughts about what they might do and call them resolutions when they are not really resolved at all.
The good news is that research shows that when people make real resolutions, around 40% are still on track 6 months later. That’s probably a higher proportion than most people think.
So how do you give yourself the best chance of being in that 40% who are maintaining or getting closer to their goal?
Have You Made a Real Resolution?
Think about your resolution language.
Are you saying:
- I want to lose weight
- I should lose weight
- I could lose weight
- I can lose weight
- I will lose weight
- I am determined to lose weight
- I am going to lose a stone in two months
- I am going to drop 3 dress sizes by summer
The kinds of words you are using to make your resolution should be like those in the second half of the list.
Don’t worry if you’re not quite there yet, the rest of this article will help you.
Understand Your Motivation
Ask yourself a couple of questions:
- What are the things that are important to me that are affected by my weight?
- How will losing weight make my life better?
It’s worth spending some time thinking about this, you may even surprise yourself with benefits you have never really considered before. Write your thoughts down, and keep them in a place where you’ll be reminded of them regularly.
Short comments, for example on sticky notes dotted around the house, or on future pages in your diary, will help you stay on track.
Set Goals in Small Chunks
Whether your overall goal is to lose 10 pounds or 10 stones, break it down into bite-sized pieces. Tracey Walton, founder of Weight Loss Resources recommends mini goals of up to half a stone, depending on what suits you and the amount of weight you want to lose overall.
"Successes build confidence and determination, so give yourself the opportunity to celebrate them early and often."
You can do this with other goals related to your weight loss, for example have an exercise goal that starts with the mini goal ‘Take a 10 minute walk, on three days of each week, for a month’.
Be a Friend to Yourself
Everyone lets it slide now and again. Imagine a phone call from your best friend, he’s feeling down because he’s had a blowout lunch and is a failure at trying to lose weight. You wouldn’t tell him he was hopeless and he might as well throw in the towel would you? You’d probably try to make him feel better, remind of him of how well he’s done so far, help him feel better about himself.
Be that good friend to yourself, don’t beat yourself up with negative self-talk. Think about what you have achieved and how you could get back on track.
Focus on Habits
It’s the things that you do habitually that shape your body.
If you regularly eat junk food because you’re too busy to plan ahead, or you sit down most of the day because of your job, or often get the munchies because you’re bored, or any other thing in your life that causes you to neglect your wellbeing – you have an opportunity to make some changes.
Small chunks are, again, the way to do it. Small changes in things that you do a lot of the time can add up to big differences in the sustainability of your weight loss resolution.
Give some thought to the things you do every day, what you eat and why, and how you could make a few changes that would work for you and your lifestyle.
Start with 1 to 3 of the changes you’d find easiest to make, when one becomes a habit (you do it on auto-pilot) introduce another change you want to make.
The WLR New Leaf Challenge 2015 is a tool to help you build habits proven to promote sustainable weight loss.
Fuel for Your Resolution
These are some ideas for changes that Weight Loss Resources Members have found helpful, in no particular order – different things work for different people and some of these may get you thinking.
- Planning meals in advance
- Using a strategy for eating out
- Having shopping delivered
- Eating slowly
- Making packed lunches
- Weighing Portions
- Having healthy, low calorie snacks close to hand
- Exercising at home
- Batch cooking meals and freezing them
- Limiting the number of high calorie snacks
- Keeping a Food Diary
- Being more active on a daily basis
- Eating breakfast every day
- Mindful eating
- Eating more vegetables and fruits
- Having a strategy for dealing with comfort eating
You can find lots more information and tools for evidence-based, sustainable weight loss at
Press Release - March 2013
WLR Supports Members to Walk the Weight Off
Starts 22nd March 2013
Staying motivated to achieve weight loss goals through Spring indulgence is an annual battle for slimmers across the world. To support and inspire weight loss, WLR today launch a walking challenge with a difference - Walk the Weight Off 2013 - 8 weeks, 5 destinations of your choice, and the opportunity to lose up to two dress sizes by May.
The challenge, open to all Members, combines this effective and affordable form of exercise, alongside a personalised online food diary, providing help to understand and develop healthier eating habits and increase fitness levels to boost weight loss.
Regular brisk walking has endless health benefits and this fun challenge will help slimmers to stay focused on goals, as well as offering the chance to win top of the range fitness prizes.
To join in with the challenge members must:
- Pick a destination on a special map to walk to.
- Walk for enough minutes (indicated for each destination) to reach the destination chosen
- Add the walking to the WLR Exercise Diary so progress can be plotted on the map
- Pick up a WLR passport stamp for each destination walked to
- Pick up a WLR Souvenir for visiting each destination
Visit and collect 5 WLR destinations to be in with a chance of winning the prizes which include a first prize of a Speedbox HRM worth £174.99 and runner up prizes of PM25 HRM.
With the tools at WLR, you can see how many extra calories are used just by walking to the local shops or walking the kids to school instead of taking the car. Challenge support, guidance and weight loss tips are also on hand from the WLR award winning Help Team.
Member Comments
‘I walked as part of my day, it all adds up. I have proven to myself I can take control of my life and I have it in me to succeed.’
‘I have walked at least 4 miles a day while dieting, which I think has accelerated things considerably and changed my body shape.’
‘My main exercise is walking though as it is something I really love doing. WLR has taught me that it isn’t something you do, it’s a change you make and you make it for life if you want to keep the weight off. I’ve learned some valuable lessons and joining was the best thing I ever did’
A free 24 hour trial is available.
Weight Loss Resources continues to provide tools and information which enable people to make gradual and sustainable changes to their eating and activity habits.
Contact for further information
Rebecca Walton
Tel: 01733 317301
Press Release - January 2013
Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2013
The UK’s Most Comprehensive Calorie Counter
The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2013 is an essential tool for counting the calories that you eat providing a clear understanding of nutritional information in your diet.
By using this book, anyone can learn how to eat the right amount of calories in order to create their own healthy and balanced diet to manage their body weight for life.
The calorie count of more than 22,000 UK foods and drinks, including basic and supermarket brands, are available in this updated edition. Calories and fat grams per serving size are visible at a glance with calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre values given per 100g/100ml. The simple layout of data makes comparing different foods and brands easy.
The book includes a body mass index, a food diary sheet and pages of charts, tables and useful advice from top Dietitians on losing weight and staying healthy.
Straightforward, practical and easy to use, The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2013 gives all the information to achieve a sensible and no-nonsense approach to managing a healthy weight.
Note for Editors:
- The Calorie, Carb and Fat Bible 2013 is published by Weight Loss Resources Ltd and is priced £12.99.
- – copies are available from DFR
- – the UK’s largest nutritional database containing the calorie counts of more than 60,000 foods and drinks, uniquely updated and added to daily by staff and thousands of site members.
- Copies of The Calorie, Carb and Fat Bible 2013 are available as competition prizes and for review.
Press Release - November 2012
WLR Receive Recognition for ‘Nutrition & Health Resource of the Year’ Award.
Weight Loss Resources have received special recognition for its tools, databases, advice and information and have been named as the Finalist for Nutrition & Health Resource of the Year.
The accolade was presented at the Nutrition & Health Live 2012 awards ceremony, an annual event acknowledging those working in the health and well-being industry. Held in London, the event is attended by the UK’s leading dieticians, as well as nutrition and healthcare professionals.
Judging was carried out by a panel consisting of highly respected key nutrition leaders, who presented the award to acknowledge the exceptionally high second scoring of WLR’s entry. Special recognition was given to highlight the standard of tools, databases, advice and information on weight management, calories, fitness and nutrition.
Pat Wilson, Director of Communications at WLR said:
“Weight Loss Resources are pleased to have received special recognition in the Nutrition Resource of the Year category. We support the vital work of health professionals to promote key messages of healthy and sustainable weight management and continue to develop as a leading resource in the provision of authoritative weight loss, calorie, fitness and nutritional advice and information.”
Press Release - September 2012
Lose a Stone for Christmas Challenge 2012
Now in its 10th year Weight Loss Resources' 7 week Christmas Weight Loss Challenge can help you lose a stone or more and be in with a chance of winning £500 in clothes vouchers.
Everyone knows the importance of staying focused on a compelling goal when you’re trying to achieve something, that’s one of the reasons why the Weight Loss Resources Christmas Challenge has proved so effective over the last few years. Here are a few more to ensure your success this year:
- The chance to win £500 in vouchers to spend on clothes will enlist the help of your imagination (what will you wear to that important Christmas event when you’re 2 sizes smaller?)
- An instant network of like-minded people to cheer you on and give support.
- Food and exercise diary tools with no depressing lists so it’s easier for you to stick to.
- Weekly tips with ideas to help to keep you inspired.
- You can try it out free for 24 hours, and everyone who meets the challenge goes into a prize draw - top prize worth £500 and 2 runners up prizes worth £100 each.
The Challenge kicks off 28th September. All you have to do to meet the challenge is join Weight Loss Resources and complete 7 tasks in 7 weeks. That’s long enough for you to lose a stone and drop a dress (or trouser) size or two.
Press Release - March 22, 2012
Walk the Weight Off With WLR
- Starts 26th March 2012
Walking is an effective form of exercise to aid weight loss. It can be done almost anywhere and it is free. Join WLR and enjoy this Challenge which will get you moving and reaping the benefits of weight loss. It’s fun and motivational with some great prizes to win.
To join in with the challenge members must
- Pick a destination on a special map to walk to
- Walk for enough minutes (indicated for each destination) to reach the destination chosen
- Add the walking to the WLR Exercise Diary so progress can be plotted on the map
- Pick up a WLR passport stamp for each destination walked to
- Pick up a WLR Souvenir for visiting each destination
- Visit and collect 5 WLR destinations to be in with a chance of winning the prizes which include a first prize of a Speedbox HRM worth £174.99 and runner up prizes of PM25 HRM.
Walking can really boost weight loss and fitness levels, even if you can only manage a small amount each day. With the tools at WLR you can see how many extra calories are expended just by walking to the local shops or walking the kids to school instead of taking the car.
Member Comments
‘Nice long 2 hour walk this morning with the poles of course! Really pushed myself and burnt off loads of calories... going again tomorrow’.
‘I lost my first 20lb with the aid of walking and not only did it get me lots of scrummy exercise calories which I promptly scoffed, it helped me really bust that inner thigh fat. It made all the difference to me and still does’.
I was very unfit. I found walking the best way to build up my confidence and fitness levels. I suppose I'd advise to just increase it by increments, and do it regularly - every day if you can’.
‘Exercise is my ticket to sanity When I do it regularly - walking over an hour a day and four one-hour weights sessions a week plus little intervals - I feel happy both physically and mentally, less tired etc. And the feeling of nice, firm muscles – nnnnice’!
Press Release - March 21, 2012
Weight Loss Resources Wins Hitwise UK Top 10 Award - 2011
Weight Loss Resources has ranked No.3 in the Health and Medical – Well Being online industry based on the market share of UK visits it has received for 2011.
The Hitwise UK Top 10 Awards Program celebrates the most successful UK websites. As Experian Hitwise reports on the anonymous online usage and search behaviour of more than 8 million UK Internet users - the largest online sample of its kind - this unique awards program recognizes excellence in online performance through public popularity.
WLR are experts in online weight loss, providing the best tools and resources to help people lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. Every year, Weight Loss Resources helps tens of thousands of people get their lives back on track with new found confidence. It has, without exaggeration, changed lives.
Press Release - January, 2012
Weight Loss Resources
Online Weight Loss Tools Tailored to You
WLR are experts in online weight loss, providing the best tools and resources to help people lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. Every year, Weight Loss Resources helps tens of thousands of people get their lives back on track with new found confidence. It has, without exaggeration, changed lives.
Key Tools
Goals & Results
WLR helps people assess their weight and decide on a realistic healthy target weight that can be achieved and maintained. This approach emphasises healthy and sustainable weight loss built on lifestyle changes.
Food Diary
Home to the UK’s largest calorie and nutrition database, the Food Diary provides real awareness of calories consumed and encourages members to use this knowledge to make changes to develop eating habits that suit their lifestyle and can be maintained.
Exercise Diary
WLR emphasises the importance of exercise for everyone and reiterates the benefits of calories expended through different activities aiding weight loss goals.
Members Forum
WLR recognises an integral part of any weight loss programme should include ongoing support. Through the Members Forum, people can share advice, tips, and experiences and support each other. The Forum is renowned for its friendliness.
WLR provides extensive information on weight loss, healthy eating, fitness and nutrition written by Dieticians and health professionals.
Meeting NICE Guidelines, WLR continues to provide tools and information which enable people to make gradual and sustainable changes to their eating and activity habits.
It Works, Simple as that
A free 24 hour trial is available.
Press Release - January, 2012
Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2012
The UK’s Most Comprehensive Calorie Counter
Controlling calorie intake is the most effective way of losing weight and maintaining a healthy body mass. The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2012 is an essential tool for counting the calories that you eat providing a clear understanding of nutritional information in your diet.
By using this book, anyone can learn how to eat the right amount of calories in order to create their own healthy and balanced diet to manage their body weight for life.
The calorie count of more than 22,000 UK foods and drinks, including basic and supermarket brands, are available in this updated edition. Calories and fat grams per serving size are visible at a glance with calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre values given per 100g/100ml. The simple layout of data makes comparing different foods and brands easy.
The book includes a body mass index, a food diary sheet and pages of charts, tables and useful advice from top Dietitians on losing weight and staying healthy. These tools and information give tips and techniques to help put an individual in control of their diet and healthy eating plans and in turn make long term changes to maintain weight loss.
Straightforward, practical and easy to use, The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2012 gives all the information to achieve a sensible and no-nonsense approach to managing a healthy weight.
Note for Editors:
The Calorie, Carb and Fat Bible 2012 is published by Weight Loss Resources Ltd and is priced £12.99. – copies are available from DFR – the UK’s largest nutritional database containing the calorie counts of more than 50,000 foods and drinks, uniquely updated and added to daily by staff and thousands of site members.
Copies of The Calorie, Carb and Fat Bible 2012 are available as competition prizes and for review.
Press Release - March, 2011
Walk the Weight Off with WLR
Starts 28th March 2011
To promote walking to aid weight loss plans, WLR have created a fun and motivational 7 week challenge with some great prizes.
To join in with the challenge members must
- Pick a destination on a special map to walk to
- Walk for enough minutes (indicated for each destination) to reach the destination chosen
- Add the walking to the WLR Exercise Diary so progress can be plotted on the map
- Pick up a WLR passport stamp for each destination walked to
- Pick up a WLR Souvenir for visiting each destination
- Visit and collect 5 WLR destinations to be in with a chance of winning the prizes which include a first prize of a Speedbox HRM worth £174.99
Walking can really boost weight loss and fitness levels, even if you can only manage a small amount each day. With the tools at WLR you can see how many extra calories are expended just by walking to the local shops or walking the kids to school instead of taking the car.
Press Release - February, 2011
10 Years of Successful Weight Loss
It Works. Simple as that!
In 2011, is celebrating 10 years of helping tens of thousands of people, lose weight, become healthier and get their lives back on track with new found confidence. It has, without exaggeration, changed lives.
Key Tools:
Goals & Results
Weight Loss Resources helps people assess their weight and decide on a realistic healthy target weight that can be achieved and maintained. This approach emphasises healthy and sustainable weight loss built on lifestyle changes.
‘I have tried pretty much everything and every diet – Cambridge, Atkins, F Plan, Cabbage Soup… Not sustainable for either cost or practicality reasons. The message was wrong – this was never going to be just a ‘diet’ and until I accepted it as a lifestyle change it was never going to work!’
Member Ginny, aged 47yrs, lost 11st
‘I also used the goals and the graph regularly to show how I was doing. The graph is the proof of your success… remember the Longer Term trend!!! Ignore the “little blitz” increases that you may have.’
Member Celine, aged 35yrs, lost 2st 10lbs
‘This week I had my diabetic review and had my medication halved. It shows how important it is to keep your weight at a healthy BMI because the health effects are so outstanding. Weight Loss Resources should be on prescription!’
Member TonyHunt, aged 63yrs, lost 7st
Food Diary
Home to the UK’s largest calorie and nutritional database, the Food Diary provides real awareness of calories consumed and encourages members to use this knowledge to make changes to develop eating habits that suit their lifestyle and can be maintained.
‘It stopped me digging my grave with my knife and fork (and spoon, mustn’t forget the spoon)!’
Member Smtfhw, aged 48yrs, lost 5st, 8lbs
‘I live and breathe the food diary. It is the best tool ever.’
Member Yorkshiremuggles, aged 32yrs, lost 4st 3lbs
‘The food database has been the most invaluable tool for me, in conjunction with the food diary. The recommended calorie intake per day to lose my target amount each week, along with absolutely truthful recording of everything that passed my lips over the first three months of my weight loss, meant that I lost 1kg per week like clockwork and reached my initial goal of getting down to a BMI of 25 three months after joining Weight Loss Resources.’
Member Totkat, aged 36yrs, lost 5st
Exercise Diary
Weight Loss Resources emphasises the importance of exercise for everyone and reiterates the benefits of calories expended through different activities aiding weight loss goals.
‘I can’t believe how much I love exercise. I get agitated if I don’t do any exercise daily. I walk 5 miles daily and I now run up to 5 times a week, with several events several lined up including the Dublin marathon.’
Member Katiecom, aged 24yrs, lost 6st
‘I am now a fit freak. I run, I cycle, I walk, I do weights, I do Pilates… I love exercise and am somewhat addicted to it.’
Member Jessie, aged 29yrs, lost 7st 9lbs
Members Forum
Weight Loss Resources recognises an integral part of any weight loss programme should include ongoing support. Through the Members Forum, people can share advice, tips, and experiences and support each other. The Forum is renowned for its friendliness.
‘The feeling of being part of a community, where everyone has common goals to lose weight and is supportive of each other, has just been a phenomenal experience.’
Member Size10forLife, aged 35yrs lost 3st 5lbs
‘The forums are the real backbone of Weight Loss Resources. You post a message and within seconds someone has replied. You can really rely on the support of other members’.
Member Vickyd88, aged 21yrs, lost 2st 7lbs
Weight Loss Resources provides extensive information on weight loss, healthy eating, fitness and nutrition written by Dieticians and health professionals.
‘The articles are good to read for motivation and knowledge.’
Member Adele, aged 20yrs, lost 3st 11lbs
‘I have picked up advice and information on all manner of topics. Weight Loss Resources can answer any question you can think of. Honest!’
Member Jelly, aged 39yrs, lost 2st 8lbs
Meeting NICE Guidelines
Weight Loss Resources continues to provide tools and information which enable people to make gradual and sustainable changes to their eating and activity habits. Against a sea of short-term faddy diets and quick fix promises, Weight Loss Resources is here to stay.
It Works. Simple as that!
A 24hr Free Trial is available.
Press Release - January, 2011
The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2011
The Indispensable Guide to Calorie Counting
Health experts agree that controlling calorie intake is one of the most effective ways of losing weight and maintaining a healthy body mass. The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2011 is an invaluable tool for counting the calories that you eat and provides a clear understanding of nutritional information. By using this book, anyone can learn how to eat the right amount of calories in order to create their own healthy and balanced diet to manage their body weight for life.
The calorie count of more than 22,000 UK foods and drinks, including basic and supermarket brands, are available in this new edition. Calories and fat grams per serving size are visible at a glance with calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre values given per 100g/100ml. The simple layout of data makes comparing different foods and brands easy.
The book includes a body mass index, a food diary sheet and pages of charts, tables and useful advice from top Dietitians on losing weight and staying healthy. These tools and information give tips and techniques to help put an individual in control of their diet and healthy eating plans and in turn make long term changes to maintain weight loss.
Straightforward, practical and easy to use, The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2011 provides a sensible and no-nonsense approach to managing a healthy weight.
Note for Editors:
- The Calorie, Carb and Fat Bible 2011 is published by Weight Loss Resources Ltd and is priced £12.99.
- is the one-stop-shop for reliable diet and fitness information, advice and recommended products. Established in 2001, it is the sister site of – the UK’s largest nutritional database containing the calorie counts of more than 50,000 foods and drinks, uniquely updated and added to daily by staff and thousands of site members.
- Copies of The Calorie, Carb and Fat Bible 2011 are available as competition prizes and for review.
Contact the Press Office
We are here to answer your queries, and provide case studies and expert advice and information on weight loss, diets, nutrition, healthy eating and fitness.
Rebecca Walton, Service Director
Tel: 01733 345592
Email: Rebecca Walton