Press Coverage
As featured in
wlr has been featured in many publications since it was established in 2001, below is a small selection of press coverage and examples of wlr expert comments in the news:
The Telegraph - Celebrity Chefs - Are they making us ill?
The Independent - Diet Myths: How not to eat yourself healthy
The Sun - How to be a loser and stick with it
Best Magazine - Secrets of successful slimmers
The Daily Express - Are you sitting comfortably?
Reader Offers
wlr offers a 24 hour trial of the tools (no payment details required). Reader offers for extended trial periods or discounted memberships can be arranged for special features. Please contact Rebecca Walton - Tel: 01733 345592 or by email
Contact the Press Office
We are here to answer your queries, and provide case studies and expert advice and information on weight loss, diets, nutrition, healthy eating and fitness.
Rebecca Walton, Service Director
Tel: 01733 345592
Email: Rebecca Walton
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