Weighing Up The Enemy is the new Channel 4 show hosted by Dr Christian Jessen
Weighing up the Enemy In this new Channel 4 TV Series, Dr Christain Jessen pits two dieting rivals against each other to see who will win the other's cash and lose the most weight.

Weighing up the Enemy

By WLR's Site Manager, Laurence Beeken

The Nation's favourite doctor, Dr Christian Jessen, is back on our televisions with his new diet TV programme, Weighing up the Enemy.

Channel 4 tackles diet motivation head on by encouraging 2 people who have consistently failed to lose weight to shed the pounds.

In the tried and tested formula of Secret Eaters and Supersize v Superskinny, 2 people with opposing views are pitted against each other in a bid to lose the most weight.

Studies from Yale University in the United States have shown that dieters who put their own money on the line have a higher success rate when it comes to hitting their weight loss targets, and if there’s a risk that they’ll see their cash going towards a cause they dislike, they are even more determined.

With this in mind, the programme pits two rival dieters against each other each week to tackle head on the main reason for their diet failure; lack of motivation.  The idea is that by using their own money, and competing to lose the most body fat, they will be successful.  In a clever twist, the programme matches two people with very different views on a particular subject in order to create a more competitive atmosphere, and no doubt with a lot of tension along the way!

Weighing up the Enemy Episodes

Episode 1: Harriet and Jo - London doctor Harriet takes on vegan Jo

In this first episode, Harriet, a doctor who loves shopping and takeaways takes on Jo, a vegan eco-warrior who hates waste.

If Harriet loses, her money will pay for Jo’s family to go on a course teaching how to live the ultimate eco life, while is Jo fails, her cash will treat Harriet to an exhilarating drive at Brands Hatch.

Episode 2: Andrew and Karl - Huntsman Andrew takes on vegan Karl.

Carl's money will go towards night vision optics for shooting if he loses, while Andrew's money will fund an enclosure for rescued foxes.

Episode 3: - Minibus driver and single mum Deb meets Wendy, who lives on benefits and cares for her disabled husband. Deb believes everyone should work for their living, while Wendy feels she is entitled to her government handouts.

If Debs loses, her holiday money will go towards a tattoo for Wendy, while if wendy loses, Debs will spend her money on wendy herself - to get her back into the job market.

Episode 4: - 60 year old psychic Kev is pitted against sceptic Kevin as both men stake their own money on losing more weight than their opponent.

Psychic Kev has pitted his bathroom fund of £500 against sceptic Kevin's £500 family holiday cash to see who will lose the most body fat.  If he wins, Kev plans to spend Kevin's money on a Psychic reding event, while Kevin will spend Kev's money on the Sceptics Society.

Dr Christian Looks at Plus Size Clothing

In a separate section of the first programme, Dr Christian looks at the fashion industry and debates how plus size clothing is becoming the norm and how fashion houses are picking up on the trend of selling to women who ‘embrace their curves’.  Also featured is a section on diet products and how much we spend on such things as weight loss and diet pills.

and the Latest Diet Products to Help Weight Loss

Episode 2 looks at sci fi style gadgets designed to help weight loss, while episode 3 looks at the cost of diet products and the effect of shock tactics on weight loss.

Is Surgery the best Option for Weight Loss?

Dr Christian looks at whether surgery is the best option to lose excess fat, plus juice diets are reviewed in episode 3.

Can Meal Replacements Help Weight Loss?

Diet meals are under the spotlight in episode 4, where the team look at whether diet meals replacements actually help you lose weight.  The 5:2 diet in particular is a favourite with meal replacement suppliers as the fasting days tie in easily with lower calorie foods.

When is Weighing up the Enemy on TV?

You can watch Weighing up the Enemy on Channel 4, every Tuesday at 8pm, plus of course there’s a catch up on 4oD, 4Seven, and Channel 4 + 1.

Run Time 60 minutes

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