Six Reasons to Be Slim
If you think it's time for a new you, but need a push in the right direction, read on… Keep the points firmly in your mind to motivate you and ensure you stay on track. You can achieve your weight loss goals! Good Luck.
1 - Think Very Seriously About Your HEALTH
More and more research is proving that being overweight contributes to heart diseases, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, gallstones and strokes. Those extra pounds can also increase the risk of infertility, diabetes, sleeping difficulties and they put unnecessary strain on your joints.
2 - Get More Energy
A healthy weight loss eating plan will give you bags more energy. Climb those stairs, play actively with the kids, walk, cycle and run!
3 - You Can Wear What You Want
Shopping for clothes will no longer be a nightmare! There's more choices and styles available instead of the limited unglamorous bigger sized options. Get those clothes out from the back of your wardrobe - you can wear those jeans again.
4 - No More Hiding from the Camera
Weddings, parties, get-togethers are occasions you have dreaded with the cameras clicking left, right and centre. The thought of people taking your photograph is all too much. Lose the weight, grow in confidence and shine in front of the camera!
5 - Comments and Ridicule
No more stares, whispered comments or ridicule. It is true that being overweight can be a source for others' comments. You don't want to stand out as being the fattest person at the party or have your children upset by others comments about how big you are. Stop being 'judged by your weight'.
6 - Get More Confidence and Feel More Attractive
Your self-esteem will grow and hence your confidence to face the outside world. Lose your weight and you will gain enormous self-respect and the respect of others. Think deeply about the restrictions being overweight has on your lifestyle. You can and will change.
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