Tried and Tasted

Low Calorie Salad Dressing Recipes - Tried & Tasted Low Calorie Rice Puddings - Tried & Tasted
Low Calorie Salad Dressing Recipes - Tried & TastedAre you looking for a low calorie dressing recipe? Take a look at how we rate popular home made salad dressings. Low Calorie Rice Puddings - Tried & TastedLow calorie rice puddings get Tried and Tasted by the Weight Loss Resources Team. So which rice dessert recipe came out on top?
Low Fat Vanilla Ice Cream – Tried and Tasted Low Fat Potato Salad – Tried and Tasted

Low Fat Vanilla Ice Cream

We all love a scoop of vanilla ice cream with our puddings, but which low calorie option is best? The tried and tasted team investigates.

Low Fat Potato SaladWe’re here again to help you select the best from a range of low calorie, reduced fat options

Low Fat Coleslaws Put to the Test

With al fresco eating on the up, we look at whether these low fat coleslaws bite back!

Savoury Snacks – Tried and Tasted

The WLR team has tested some low fat snacks for you - check out our best and worst snacks.

Credit Crunch Lunch Box

Looking for a low fat sandwich for lunch on-the-go? Our panel have put some favourite pre-packed sandwiches to the test.

Low Calorie Chicken Wraps

We take a look at low calorie chicken wraps from the major supermarkets to find out which was the best option for a speedy lunch. Which wrap came out on top?

Guilt Free Chocolate Treats

Just because you are calorie counting doesn’t mean chocolate treats have to become a distant memory to be craved at every turn! Check out the T & T Team’s verdict on guilt free chocolate treats, yummy chocolate mousses, and dunkable chocolate biscuits.

Snack Time!

When the 11 o’clock munchies hit and all you want to do is grab yourself a cake or a packet of crisps from the canteen, STOP! Why not try a cereal bar? The WLR Tried and Tasted Team have scoured the shops to bring you their verdict on which ones are yummy and filling and which ones are like having a mouthful of sawdust – all for under 200 calories! Which one will you try?

Tried and Tasted Soups

Low calorie soup can be a great healthy meal and this time the WLR Tried and Tasted Team sampled some healthy soup options. Get the low-down on which healthy soup is the winner for taste without tipping the scales!

Tried and Tasted – Baked Beans

Beans, beans, good for the heart, the more you eat, the more you . . . can lose weight!!! This month our intrepid team try out a selection of healthier choice baked beans.

Low Calorie Sausages

Sausage and mash and the faithful sausage sandwich need not be forbidden when you’re dieting. With the huge selection of low-fat versions available, the good old sausage can still be a part of your life. The Tried and Tasted team have scoured the supermarkets to test what is on offer. Check out which ones come top of the heap.

Healthy Bread on Trial

The WLR Tasting Team decided to go back to basics with this month’s Tried and Tasted. Given that bread is a part of everyday life, it could no longer be ignored…

Low Fat Biscuits

The WLR taste team try out some low fat biscuits. Find out what happened when the cookies crumbled.

Fruity Cereal Bars

Which low calorie fruity cereal bars are the tastiest? The WLR Tried and Tasted team chew it over.

Breakfast Cereals with Fruit

Which of these low fat cereals with fruit would bowl over the Tried and Tasted judges?

Walkers Crisps - Tried and Tasted

Walkers have made a big leap with their new lower saturated fat/lower salt crisps – but do they taste good? Jon and the taste team put the normal, healthy and lite versions of Walkers crisps to the taste test.

Slim Fast Products

The taste team give their verdict on the best (and worst) of Slim Fast Products.

Low Calorie Christmas Drinks

The taste team pulled some pretty wicked faces during this month's test comparing diet versions of popular alcoholic drinks to the real thing.

Low Fat Leek and Potato Cup Soups

The Weight Loss Resources taste team try out leek and potato cup soups.

Low Fat Curry Sauce

Armed with some naan bread and their hunger for the truth, the taste team hunt down the best Tikka Masala Cooking Sauces.

Sports Drinks

In the spirit of marathons and fun runs we've put six energy drinks to the test - the question is, which one will make your tongue run a mile?

Low Fat Houmous

The WLR Taste Team go in search of taste and personality amongst the low fat houmous crowd.

Low Calorie Ice Cream Sticks

Ice cream sticks are a welcome addition to the range of low calorie food available, but are they good? The WLR taste team put them to the test.

Low Calorie Frozen Desserts

All of these frozen desserts are under 150 calories, but which taste best? The WLR taste team find out.

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