Vegetarian Sausages – Tried and Tasted

Lower Fat Vegetarian Sausage Comparison the Top 3
Product Goodlife Glamorgan Leek & Cheese Sausages Grassington Food Co.
Double Cheese & Red Onion
Linda McCartney
  Waitrose Ha;l Fat Pork Sausages Asda GFY Sainsburys 50% Less Fat Sausages
Ranking 1 2 3
Summary Crispy on the outside, soft in the middle - a great alternative for veggies and meat eaters alike. Lots of chunks and great mix of flavours - welcome change to cheese and leek! Tasted the most like sausages and looked good too.
Serving Size 1 sausage /  41g 1 sausage / 43g 1 sausage / 35g
Calories (kcal) per serving 109 68 72
Fat (g) per serving 6.3 1.7 2.9
Lower Fat Vegetarian Sausage Comparison the Bottom 2
Product Quorn
Cheese & Leek Sausages
Spinach & Ricotta Sausages
  Sainsburys BGTY Sausages Morrisons Pork Sausages
Ranking 4 5
Summary Little bit chewy and a little bland compared to some of the others. Extremely green - didn't look appealing and didn't make up for it in taste.
Serving Size 1 sausage / 50g 1 sausage / 50g
Calories (kcal) per serving 71 96
Fat (g) per serving 3.0 5.1


On a pure taste test - Goodlife's Glamorgan Leek and Cheese Sausages came out top. Although nothing like a traditional sausage, they had lots of cheesy onion flavour and a great texture (crispy on the outside, soft in the middle) - and would make a great alternative for veggies and meat eaters alike.

On a calorie and fat test - Grassington Food Co. Double Cheese and Red Onion sausages come in at only 68 kcal and an amazing 1.7g fat each! They also boast a great mix of flavours and chunky texture, making them an equally great alternative!

Linda McCartney's tasted the most like traditional sausages and looked good too. We grilled all of our veggie sausages but we have it on good authority that Linda's are great for cooking in casseroles, pies and more.

Quorn's were a bit chewy and bland, and Tesco's Spinach and Ricotta sausages were far from appealing.

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