Tomato and Leek Risotto

Tomato and Leek Risotto

By the wlr team

This risotto is simple to make and contains almost 3 of your 5 a day. Our recipe serves four - perfect for a family, or to be packed up for the weeks lunches.

  • Recipe makes: 4 servings
  • Prep time:
    10 mins
  • Cook time: 30 mins
  • Calories: 349
    per serving


  • 300g leeks
  • 1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes
  • 200g risotto rice
  • 600ml chicken stock
  • 60ml white wine
  • 250g onions
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 25g reduced fat butter
  • 10g Parmesan cheese, grated


  1. Heat half the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onions for 10 minutes until softened. Add the rice and fry for a further 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Add the wine and boild for a couple of minutes, then add the stock a ladle at a time, cooking until most of the liquid has been absorbed before adding the next. The idea is to get a creamy consistency. it should take around 20 minutes. Once tender remove from the heat.
  3. Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan and gently fry the chopped leeks for around 10 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes and flavour with freshly ground black pepper.
  4. Heat through and stir into the rice with the butter and Parmesan until well blended and creamy.

Serve immediately

Nutrition information per serving
Calories (kcal)349
Carbohydrate (g)48.9
Fat (g)11.6
Protein (g)10.1
Fibre (g)4.5
Alcohol (g)1.4
Fruit & Veg2.6

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