Ames2UK's Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate Brownies

By the wlr team

  • Recipe makes: 10 servings
  • Prep time:
    10 mins
  • Cook time: 30 mins
  • Calories: 176
    per serving


  • 85g Flour, Self Raising, Homepride
  • 30g Cocoa Powder, 100% Cocoa, Sainsbury's
  • 115g Sugar, Brown, Cube, Tate & Lyle
  • 125g Butter, Aldi
  • 2 Eggs/126g Eggs, Barn, Big, Fresh, Tesco
  • 1 Tbsp/13g Vanilla Extract, Average
  • 1 fl oz/30ml Milk, Semi Skimmed, Asda


1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Butter a victoria sandwich tin
2. To make the sponge, sift the flour into a bowl with the cocoa powder and salt.
3. In a separate bowl, cream together the sugar and butter until light and fluffy.
4. Beat in the vanilla essence and the eggs then fold this mixture in the flour mixture.
5. Mix in just enough milk to give a soft dropping consistency.
Spoon into a buttered victoria sandwich tin.
6. Cook for 30-40 minutes until firm and spongy to touch
7. When cool cut into 10 slices

Nutrition information per serving
Calories (kcal)176
Carbohydrate (g)18.7
Fat (g)9.5
Protein (g)3.2
Fibre (g)0.8
Alcohol (g)0.0
Fruit & Veg0.0

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