17 Reasons to Get a Treadmill for Home

17 Reasons to Get a Treadmill for Home

By Trudi Purdy, wlr team


A treadmill is a brilliant bit of kit to have at home. Using one will help you lose weight and burn fat, and you can get started at almost any level of fitness.

Having one at home breaks down many of the barriers that get in the way of your fat burning ambitions . . .

Finding time, getting changed, driving to the gym . . .

Or going out for a walk, run or jog when it's raining/ freezing/ dark.

All these barriers melt away like snow when you can go for a walk in your own home.

As will the pounds you want to lose when you put your treadmill to good use (alongside your good eating habits of course).

17 Benefits of having a Treadmill at Home 

  1. Cheaper than a gym membership for a year but will last longer
  2. Available all year round 24/7 – whenever you have a spare 5 or 10 minutes
  3. You'll burn extra calories to help boost your weight loss
  4. No need to get changed into gym wear. Just pop on your trainers, grab a bottle of water and go!
  5. Doesn’t matter what the weather man says, you can walk regardless
  6. Brilliant for de-stressing after work or when the kids are finally in bed
  7. Great way to wake you up in the morning – you could even drink your morning cuppa while walking
  8. You can listen to songs you love that no one else likes while you’re walking on the treadmill. Even your guilty pleasure songs that you don’t admit to anyone you like!
  9. You could listen to an audible book while burning some calories
  10. You could even set up your laptop and catch up on an episode of your favourite TV program while you’re walking – you will need headphones though so you can hear it properly
  11. Only got 3 minutes spare? You can walk on the treadmill
  12. Many of them fold up so loads of space isn’t needed
  13. You can use the incline on your treadmill to make the walk a little harder. You'll burn even more calories and shape up your bum.
  14. Added bonus, it will help to tone up your bottom – walking uphill is great for the glutes
  15. Paint your nails and let them dry while you walk – killing two birds with one stone
  16. Looking for some peace and quiet? Get on the treadmill
  17. Need to work through a problem? Work it out while you’re working out!

How many calories will you burn on your treadmill?

To give you an insight of how many calories you could be burning by getting some extra walking into your life we have worked out a couple of examples of how well you could be doing.

Female, Age 40, 5ft 5in tall, Weighs 12st 7lb and has a Moderately Sedentary lifestyle.

Walking Speed Calories Burned In
10 Mins 20 Mins 30 Mins
2 Mph 26.4kcal 52.7kcal 79.1kcal
3 Mph 42.7kcal 85.4kcal 128.1kcal
4 Mph 61.4kcal 122.7kcal 184.1kcal


Male, Age 40, 6ft tall, Weight 14st 7lb and has a Moderately Active lifestyle.

Walking Speed Calories Burned In
10 Mins 20 Mins 30 Mins
2 Mph 21.6kcal 43.3kcal 64.9kcal
3 Mph 40.6kcal 81.8kcal 121.7kcal
4 Mph 62.2kcal 124.5kcal 186.7kcal


To find out how many calories you would burn walking, running or jogging on a treadmill, take a free trial of the wlr tools and put some different speeds and incline levels into the exercise diary.

For less than the overall cost of a gym membership for a year, you could burn an extra 6,661 calories a year, walking for 10 minutes, 3 times a week at 3mph! That’s an extra 2lbs of weight loss!

Imagine what you could do if the treadmill was on hand whenever you had a spare 10 minutes!

So we reckon, if you’re looking for a leaner, fitter body, you should ask Father Christmas for a treadmill this year!

Treadmill Your Way to Weight Loss

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