Exercises With . . . Body Balls
By WLR's sarah massey and personal trainer wayne pickering
This month we bring you a range of body ball exercises to work your chest, shoulders, back and core. Split over 3 workouts, you can target specific areas of your body with these body ball exercises in a short space of time.
When performing body ball exercises always ensure that your engage your stomach muscles before starting the exercise to really feel your abs working. Even while you are toning the rest of your body your core muscles will be working to support the rest of your body and help to keep you stable.
Perform each of the 30 minute workouts once a week. For each of the body ball exercises complete 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps dependent on your current ability.
Ensure that you perform each exercise in a slow and controlled way to make sure you are working your muscles in the correct way and to avoid injury.
It is recommended to do 5 minutes light aerobic exercise, such as jogging on the spot, before doing any exercise to increase your heart rate and prepare your body for your workout. Be sure to stretch afterwards too to prevent aching muscles!
Day 1 – Chest & Shoulders
Exercise 1
Ball Front Raises
Muscle Group Worked - Shoulders
- Hold the ball in front of you and stand with your feet hip width apart.
- Lift the ball until it is directly above your head, ensure you don’t lean back as you raise the ball. Lower back to start position and repeat.
The next 4 exercises use weights such as dumbbells, hand weights, bottles of water or canned foods.
Exercise 2
Chest Press
Muscle Group Worked – Chest
- Sit on your exercise ball holding one weight in each hand. Slowly walk your feet forwards until the exercise ball is under your shoulder blades. Keep your knees bent and ensure your hips are in line with your knees.
- Hold the weights just above your shoulders and raise your arms directly above your chest until they are straight but your elbows are not locked. Return your weights to the start position and repeat.
Exercise 3
Muscle Group Worked – Shoulders & Chest
- Sit on your exercise ball holding one weight in each hand. Slowly walk your feet forwards until the exercise ball is under your shoulder blades. Keep your knees bent and ensure your hips are in line with your knees.
- Holding one weight in each hand, extend your arms out to each side so they are parallel to the floor, keep your arms slightly bent.
- Lift your arms slowly until the dumbbells meet directly over your face. Return to start position and repeat.
Exercise 4
Reverse Flies
Muscle Group Worked – Rear Shoulders
- On your knees lean over the ball and pick up one weight in each hand. With your elbows slightly bent hold the weights directly opposite your face.
- Lift your arms out to the sides keeping your chest on the ball and elbows slightly bent. Return to start position and repeat.
Exercise 5
Pec Decs
Muscle Group Worked – Chest
- Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Hold your arms up, with one weight in each hand, and your arms bent at a 90° angle so the weights are in front of your face.
- Keep your arms bent and open them to the sides. Ensure your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Return to start position and repeat.
Day 2 – Back
Exercise 1
Back extensions
- On your knees lean over the ball. Walk your feet backwards until your knees are off the floor and place your hands on the ball in front of you slightly apart.
- Lift your upper body away from the ball until your spine is straight. Do not over extend. Your hands will provide a little support but for the advanced version of this exercise take your hands to your sides and perform without your hands on the ball. Return to start position and repeat.
Exercise 2
Spine Twists
- Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your arms directly in front of you so they are parallel to the floor. Bend your arms at your elbows and lay one arm on tops of the other.
- Twist from your waist to your left as far as your body will naturally let you. Be sure not to move your lower body. Return to facing forwards and repeat to your right. This counts as 1 rep.
Exercise 3
Rolling Lateral Pulls
- On your knees lean over the ball. Walk your feet backwards until your knees are off the floor and place your hands on the floor in front of you, slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades and by pushing your hands into the floor roll your body forwards allowing your feet to come off the ground. Stop rolling when your shoulders are directly over your hands. Return to start position and repeat.
Day 3 – Core Stability & Abs
Exercise 1
Basic Ball Curls
- Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Walk your feet forwards until the ball is at your lower back. Cross your hands over your chest.
- Raise your upper body as far as is comfortable and return to start position to repeat.
Exercise 2
Side Oblique Lifts
- Kneel down and place the ball directly to your left hand side. Rest your right hand on the ball and lean over the ball, placing your left hand on the floor. Extend your left leg to the side. Place your left hand at the side of your forehead.
- Slowly lift your body as far as you can ensuring you are not pushing yourself up with your right hand. Return to start position and repeat.
- Once you have completed one set on your left, repeat on your right hand side until you have completed all sets on both sides.
Exercise 3
Reverse Curls
- Lay on your back and rest your legs on top of the ball at a 90° angle. Keep your arms by your sides.
- Bring your knees towards your chest, holding the ball between the back of your thighs (hamstrings) and your calves so that your bottom lifts of the floor a little. Return to start position and repeat.
Exercise 4
Bend & Extend
- Lay on the floor on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your upper body slightly and rest your weight on your forearms, hands next to your waist. Place the ball between your ankles and lift off the floor, bringing your knees towards your chest.
- Extend your legs in front of you at a 45° angle. Do not allow your back to arch away from the floor. Return to start position and repeat.
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