Full Answers to Your Exercise Questions from our Personal Trainer
Answered by by wlr Personal Trainer Carla van Traa REPS L4
Like so much in the world of fitness, wellness and weight control, your individual circumstances can make a big difference to how you approach all three.
The questions here are specific to personal exercise situations any of us may find ourselves with. The answers will be most helpful to you if you have something in common with the particular situation. Hopefully those you're likely to find most useful will jump out at you!
Our personal Trainer, Carla Van Traa, is hugely experienced from years of training individual clients and taking classes. She is also REPS L4, a qualified cardiac rehabilitation specialist and Pilates teacher.
Is Walking for Exercise Every Day OK for Joints and Muscles?
Should you take days off from walking exercise? It may depend if and where you’re getting any aches and pains says our personal trainer, here’s her advice ... view answer
How Do I Lose My Stomach Fat?
Fat stored in and around the belly can be the most stubborn, especially when you get into middle age and beyond. Here’s our PT’s advice and exercise tips for 3 different situations ... view answers
How to Make Progress Using Home Gym Equipment
How do you manage progression safely and effectively when you’re working out at home? Here’s our PT’s advice on getting stronger without injury or burnout ... view answer
Strengthening Legs When You're Older or In Recovery
How do you get more strength in your legs as you age, or when you’re recovering from an illness? Personal Trainer Carla Van Traa gives her advice along with specific exercises to try ... view answer
How do I get started with Kettlebells?
You need a basic level of competence with hand weights before progressing to kettlebells says our PT. Here’s what you need to consider before you get started ... view answer
How Can I get Rid of a Mummy Tummy?
A mummy tummy can feel like it’s the last to respond to weight loss efforts, stubbornly holding on to what seems like more than its fair share of our body fat stores. There’s no quick fix but there are things you can do to minimise it ... view answer
Have a Question about Exercise?
You can ask Carla any exercise related question on the Personal Trainer board in wlr, take a free trial to get access