Success Story: Wendy
Start Weight | 11st 11lbs |
Current Weight | 10st 7lbs |
Goal Weight | 10st 11lbs |
Weight Lost | 1 st 4lbs |
Time Taken | 13 weeks |
Dieting History
- Cabbage Soup Diet (ugh!)
- Rosemary Conley Hip and Thigh
- Atkins Diet
- Weight Watchers Points system
Have you lost weight before and regained the weight?
Yes, many times.
How being overweight has affected you…
I didn’t think I was overweight particularly, it just crept up on me.
When I’d tell anyone I was a size 18 they would ALWAYS say ‘but you’re big so you can carry it and you don’t look it anyway’!
My lifestyle didn’t alter and I’ve never been moody, it was just that I’d really wanted not to be size 18.
Motivation to Diet
My daughter got engaged so I thought now I’ve got an incentive to get below a size 18 and a whole year to do it in.
I thought I’d try and get to 10st, something which would give me some leeway if/when I regained some weight.
Discovering Weight Loss Resources
I was trawling the web one day and just came across it.
How Weight Loss Resources Helps
I find it very helpful in counting calories for me without me having to work them out for myself.
"Also in working out the extra calories I can have through exercise. I never realised before that just doing housework could let me eat more!"
Just losing 2lb a week is quite easy. In fact I didn’t realise it showed until people began to remark on the fact that I looked thinner.
I haven’t really changed the food I eat, I was always a fish rather than red meat eater.
WLR made me realise just how much I was eating and helped me to downsize on my portions but I have never felt hungry.
"I always make a point of recording what I eat either straight after I’ve eaten it or, if I know the menu for the day I do it in the morning."
That way, if I feel a little peckish in the evening I know I can have a snack and still be within my allotted calories.
However, because I couldn’t get to my computer, I found the food and exercise jotter particularly helpful when we went away for the weekend, just the right size for my handbag and small enough to be able to make notes at the table without drawing attention to myself.
The Best of Weight Loss Resources
I only mainly use the food/exercise diary although I have been in a chat room and was able to give someone details of where to find cycle routes.
Wendy's Dieting Tips
The exercise page has really encouraged me to actually do more exercise. I find I am now in a routine of doing something for at least an hour a day; walking, cycling, swimming, golf etc.
I hate going to the gym and knowing that I can gain calories from just walking to post a letter, for instance, is an incentive to get out and about.
I like the way that everything you need to help you lose weight is online with the added bonus of support from people in the same position as yourself without having to physically join a ‘slimming club’.
Start a Free Trial Today
Stop the endless dieting cycle There is no need to follow faddy diets. With WLR you can keep an online food diary and learn about eating healthily which will really put you in control. Try it for free today.
* Note: The success stories published on Weight Loss Resources are written by WLR members, past and present, telling their own stories in their own words. As you will see if you read more than one or two of them, everyone's story is different and they have reached their success from a variety of starting points and lost weight at varying rates. Individual results may vary.