Joanna's reached her 10 stone goal weight - despite an under active thyroid!

Joanna has yo-yo dieted since the age of 8. Having lost weight, Jo has found a new career as a fitness instructor. Well done to her for losing over 4 stone to reach her goal weight of 10 stone. Here's her story:

Joanna's reached her 10 stone goal weight - despite an under active thyroid!

Joanna, Age 45, Height 5ft 8in
Start Weight 14st 4lb
Current Weight 10st
Goal Weight 10st
Weight Lost 4st 4lb
Working to Rate of Loss 1½-2lbs per week

Diet History

When I was 8yrs old, I was sent to a Dietitian at the hospital after a school medical.

I was put on a low carbohydrate diet and appetite suppressants which have now been announced as causing possible heart complaints.

I was 8yrs old, 7lbs pounds overweight when I started and 2st overweight when they signed me off!!

Have you lost weight on a diet before and regained it?

Yes I have been a yo-yo dieter since the age of 8.

How being overweight has affected you…

When I was overweight I tried to avoid going out socially. I felt fat, frumpy and very OLD. Worse of all, out of control.

I was convinced that as soon as I was gone, everyone would be talking about what a state I had allowed myself to get into.

"I had no self-confidence and hated the way I looked."

I had no interest in clothes. As a size 20 I had convinced myself there was no point in bothering; whatever I wore I would look like a sack of potatoes.

I didn’t make any effort and this also applied to my hair and make up. I always wore black, a habit I am still trying to break!

There are some lovely colours about and I am trying to be a bit more adventurous and add a bit more colour to my wardrobe. My days of being overweight meant I was richer!

"I have spent a fortune on clothes over the last month or so but it is so lovely to put on clothes and look nice!"

I also found it hard to keep up with everyone when I was so unfit. I used to get terrible backache and aching hips walking a short distance.

I go to stay with a super-fit school friend who goes to the Gym and is very particular about her diet and is always rushing about everywhere.

In the past I struggled to keep up with her and would always be in agony and take days to get over the visits.

Now it is wonderful. Not only do I keep up with her but also I find the times so much more enjoyable.

Motivation to Lose Weight

Christmas Day, someone commented in front of everyone how fat I had become lately.

I laughed with everyone else at the time but when I went to bed I cried my eyes out.

It was already quite a hard day as it was my first Christmas without my dear old Mum and being emotional anyway this was the final straw.

In January I decided that I had to make a new start. I went to the Doctors and saw the nurse practitioner.

I was worried I might have an under active thyroid as my father suffered from it and my daughter also does. The nurse really understood.

I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid.

"Suddenly there was a reason why I had been struggling to lose weight and keep it off."

Once I started on the medication I just wanted to get on with losing weight. I knew if I didn’t start it would become harder as time went by.

I was prepared for a long, slow haul. It was hard at times but not impossible. It has taken 14 months and got easier as I was nearing my goal.

Something as simple as wearing something new is a great boost to my motivation.

I now have a Gym membership which allows use of the gym, classes and the swimming pool. It is one of the best investments and I use it for some form of exercise nearly every day. Who would ever have thought it?

Discovering Weight Loss Resources

I found wlr in Zest Magazine and the rest is history!

How Weight Loss Resources Helps

I have found the site invaluable. It has kept me motivated especially when I hit 3 months in the summer where my weight loss stuck. Normally I would have given up.

The food diary has really helped me to educate eating habits healthwise as well as keeping to the quota for weight loss.

"I think it is really important to carry on with healthy eating habits once you get to target and not go back to old, bad habits."

The support I have had from the boards really helps. I have had a few bad patches over the past year.

My kids both suffer from ME and both have had relapses around their exam times. My mother-in-law became ill and sadly died.

"These were times I would normally have turned to food but with the support from the boards and the great people at wlr I got through without turning to food."

I also enjoy reading the lighthearted messages on the boards. I think we all make a great team, including the helpteam.

One of the biggest changes in my lifestyle is exercise. I have always hated it and done anything to avoid it.

I think this stems from being an overweight child and always coming last in everything. I now take exercise in some form everyday and what’s more I discovered I have muscles! And stamina!

When my son came home from University at Christmas he told me I had got a bit ‘Obsessive’ over exercise.

This really tickled me; I never thought I would hear anyone saying that about me!

The Best of Weight Loss Resources

I use all areas of the site. I work from home and a lot of my work is computer based so I do manage to have a sneaky look at the message boards quite often.

Joanna's Tips for Losing Weight

Don’t ever give up! You are going to get bad days/weeks; it happens! Just get straight back on it and limit the damage.

Make sure you fill in your diary accurately. It is very easy to ‘forget’ odd items and these all add up.

Make sure you get exercise in some form as much as possible. It gives you extra calories, boosts your metabolism and tones your muscles losing inches. All those endorphins giving you natural highs and what’s more it’s legal!!!

Use the message boards – Don’t go it alone. Everyone loves to help and we are all a nosy lot so we enjoy hearing about your day.

Keep at it! You will find when you lose weight it changes your life. You will feel a different person. Promise you!

I have got more confidence; no more shrinking in the background. People are more friendly. I think this is actually due to the vibes you give off; you become more approachable, you smile more often and people smile back!

More about Joanna

Since losing weight I have a new career as a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer/Sports Massage therapist.... I train clients in their own homes or a gym environment.

To book a personal training session with Joanna in Caterham, contact her at or take a look at www.workoutathome

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* Note: The success stories published on Weight Loss Resources are written by WLR members, past and present, telling their own stories in their own words. As you will see if you read more than one or two of them, everyone's story is different and they have reached their success from a variety of starting points and lost weight at varying rates. Individual results may vary.

Lose a Stone for Christmas Challenge

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