The Cellulite Solution by Dr Howard Murad
Reviewed by Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RD
What’s the theory?
This book puts forward the theory that cellulite is caused by damage to the cells and connective tissue in the dermis – the layer just beneath the surface of the skin. This damage allows fat cells to push into this layer, where they show on the surface of the skin as unsightly lumps and bumps.
By boosting intakes of certain nutrients through a combination of food and supplements, it’s possible to repair, rehydrate and revitalise the cells and connective tissue, which in turn, forces the fat cells back to where they belong, so they can’t be seen. This is achieved by following the accompanying eight-week plan that focuses on changing your diet and taking supplements to strengthen and protect your skin from the inside, and exfoliating and moisturising to protect and strengthen skin from the outside.
What does the diet involve?
Ultimately, this ‘cellulite-busting’ diet is packed with fresh, natural ingredients and follows the basic principles of healthy eating. It includes lots of fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, beans, fat-free dairy products and wholegrains, and moderate amounts of lean red meat, eggs, nuts and healthy oil. Booze, caffeine and fatty, sugary, salty and processed foods are off limits.
By following this type of diet – together with taking supplements – you’ll boost your intake of seven key nutrients, including lecithin, essential fats, antioxidants, B vitamins, amino acids (protein building blocks) and trace minerals, all of which are essential for healthy cells and connective tissue.
A typical day’s diet includes a fruit- smoothie, porridge and fruit for breakfast; salad, lentil soup, a wholemeal roll and fruit for lunch; chicken stir fry with brown rice and salad and fruit for dinner; fruit and nuts for snacks; and green tea and water for drinks.
What else does the book include?
You’ll also find information on beating stretch marks, the importance of body brushing, lifestyle advice and the main ingredients that have been linked with treating cellulite.
How much weight will I lose?
This diet isn’t aimed at weight loss, although the author suggests it’s a good idea to lose weight if you need to. Chances are though, de-junking your diet will probably help shift those pounds.
Juliette’s verdict on The Cellulite Solution
There’s a lot of anatomy to plough through but it’s reasonably easy to understand. Nevertheless, the theory is controversial – many doctors believe cellulite is simply plain old fat. The plan recommends taking a huge amount of supplements every day – so many, if fact, that you’ll probably rattle when you walk – but if you’re eating well, this is probably unnecessarily.
Indeed, the diet is balanced and healthy but whether it will actually help you beat cellulite remains to be seen. Having said that, it certainly won’t do you any harm and may help you lose a little weight, which will help to beat lumpy, bumpy thighs. And all that exfoliating and moisturising will certainly improve the appearance of your skin.
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