Slim to Win Diet & Cookbook by Rosemary Conley
Rosemary Conley - Slim to Win

Rosemary Conley has a new diet and recipes book out - Slim to Win. Dietitian Juliette Kellow BSC RD, gives us the lowdown

Slim To Win Diet and Cookbook by Rosemary Conley (Century 18.99)

What’s the Theory?

This book is based on the principles of Rosemary’s GI Hip and Thigh Diet, which recommends choosing foods with a low-fat content (that’s anything with less than five percent fat or below 5g fat per 100g) and a low glycaemic index (GI). The low-fat element helps to cut calories, while opting for low (GI) carbs help us to stay fuller for longer so that we’re less likely to get hungry or suffer with cravings. The end result, we lose weight and inches.

What Does the Diet Involve?

The diet starts with a strict Fat Attack Fortnight, which provides 1,200 calories and allows three main meals and two small power snacks each day.

Research shows that people are more likely to achieve their goals if they lose a significant amount of weight at the start of a diet so this is designed to do just that and give you speedy weight loss.

Then, from week three you work out your daily calorie allowance to help you lose weight according to your age, gender and current weight using charts provided in the book. For example, a woman aged between 30 and 59 years who weighs 14 stone should have 1,570 calories a day, while a man between 18 and 29 years who weighs 16 stone should have 2,041 calories a day.

Once you know how many calories you need to lose weight, you simply design your own eating plan using meal suggestions and recipes from the book – there are 33 breakfasts, 44 lunches, 49 dinners, 27 power snacks and 46 treats to choose from.

How Much Weight Will I Lose?

The Fat Attack Fortnight should help you lose around 7lb. No guidance is given regarding the amount of weight you can expect to lose from week 3 onwards, but chances are you can expect to shift 1-2lb a week.

What Can I Eat in a Typical Day

Example from The Fat Attack Fortnight

Breakfast: ½ melon with 115g raspberries and 1 low-fat fruit yogurt.

Morning Power Snack: 2 satsumas.

Lunch: 2 slices wholegrain bread spread with mustard or pickle, topped with 50g wafer-thin ham, chicken, turkey or low-fat cottage cheese plus a small salad.

Afternoon Power Snack: ½ carrot, ¼ red pepper, ¼ green pepper, 1 stick celery, 5cm piece of cucumber and 5 cherry tomatoes.

Dinner: Pan Fried Liver with Leek Mash (recipe given) with unlimited vegetables.

Drinks: 450ml skimmed or semi-skimmed milk.

What Else Does the Book Include?

The main focus of the book is recipes – there are 179 of them covering everything from light lunches and pasta and pizza to party food and puddings. All the recipes look delicious and come with photo’s to give you an idea how they should look. Plus they have calorie and fat information per serving. There’s just a brief mention about exercise.

Juliette’s Verdict

The Fat Attack Fortnight will be useful for kick starting most people’s diets and giving them a boost as the pounds drop off quickly. However, this is predominantly a recipe book rather than a diet.

Ultimately, Rosemary recognises that it’s calories that count when it comes to losing weight and so simply provides us with the number of calories we need to shift those pounds – and then gives us lots of meal and recipe suggestions to make up these calories. There’s no complicated science and nothing faddy about.

If you’re looking for inspiration at mealtimes, then it’s worth buying for the recipes alone, which are perfect for slotting into any calorie-controlled plan.

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