The Ultimate New York Body Plan 2/10
Reviewed by Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RD
What’s the theory?
This strict, boot-camp style diet and exercise programme aims to minimise calorie consumption through extreme dieting and maximise fat burning through extreme exercise. You should burn up to 1,500-2,000 calories a day.
What does the diet involve?
In theory, it sounds simple, but in practice, it’s a different matter as you push your body to its limits. The two-week plan includes a strict diet that bans many foods and recommends 45 minutes of strenuous cardio-vascular exercise and 45 minutes of cardio-sculpting exercises every day. You’ll need to arm yourself with dumbbells, a stability ball and a medicine ball (a smaller, heavier ball).
What can I eat?
You’re allowed to eat five times a day at set times but must stick to the A, B, C, D, E and F nutrition plan for two weeks – that means no alcohol, bread, starchy carbs, dairy, extra sweets, fruit and most fats. In reality, this means you’ll be eating a lot of egg white omelettes, fish, chicken, turkey, vegetables and salad. You should also have two protein shakes a day.
What else does the book include?
An extensive section on exercise, including illustrated pictures and information about getting and keeping yourself motivated. There’s also a structured 14-day diet and exercise plan to follow, plus space to write your own daily diary. Finally, there are plenty of recipes.
How much weight will I lose?
In two weeks you can lose up to 12lb and drop two dress sizes.
Juliette’s verdict on the Ultimate New York Body Plan
The author is famous for getting A-list stars such as Heidi Klum and Liv Tyler into shape, as well as being involved in the TV series ‘Extreme Makeovers.’ If you fancy two weeks of boot-camp style diet and exercise, you’ll probably enjoy it. But in general, it’s an extreme programme that only the most die-hard and dedicated of slimmers will be able to stick with. You’ll also need to be physically fit before your start to manage the exercise routines – it’s definitely not the right plan for you if you have more than a stone to lose and haven’t done any exercise for years. Meanwhile, prepare for the weight to pile back on when you return to normal eating and exercise habits. This is a quick fix rather than a long term plan.
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