LighterLife Lite Diet Review

By WLR's Site Manager, Laurence Beeken

Designed for men or women who don’t meet the BMI criteria for the Total plan, the Lighter Life Lite diet plan has been designed for people with a BMI of 25-29.9. Typically you will have a stone or more to lose.

How Do I Follow the Lighter Life Diet (Lite)?

Depending on your weight and overall health, you may need to see your doctor before starting the program.

Firstly, you book yourself a free session with your local Lighterlife counsellor, which lasts for about an hour. You’ll be weighed and measured and then the counsellor will tell you about the Lighter Life diet and how much weight you could lose. After that, you complete a medical form.

Once you have been approved to join, you have to attend a joining session where you are given all the info you need to go on. The Lighter Life cost is explained along with details of the LighterLife food packs

Finally you join your local Lighter Life group, although you must be within the first week of any 4 week module.

What do I get with my Lighter Life Light Membership?

  • A journal
  • A module book
  • A shaker for mixing the LighterLife food packs
  • A bag or a rucksack
  • A pedometer (after 8 weeks)

How Much Weight Could I Lose with Lighter Life Lite?

Lighterlife do not say how much you can lose due to ‘legal restrictions that are imposed on weight-loss companies in the UK’, although many people claim to have lost over a stone in 4 weeks.

What Happens in the LighterLife Lite Meetings?

Support is a crucial part of the plan. You attend a single sex group of no more than 12 people. There are regular weigh-ins and measurements are also taken. You choose your Lighter Life food packs for the coming week. Each week you get to participate in a group discussion to establish why you overeat.

How Long Does Lighter Life Lite Last?

You continue until you have reached the goal set with your counsellor. You then move onto Management program which begins with a 4 week module: Route to Management.

What Can I Eat on the Lighter Life Lite Diet?

Not as strict as the Lighter Life Diet, you get 3 food packs a day, along with a conventional meal which is explained as part of your counselling. You are allowed tea or coffee with a sweetener, water and LighterLife water flavours.

Will I Feel Hungry on the Lighter Life Lite Diet?

According to LighterLife, you will not feel hungry as your body is in ketosis due to the low level of carbohydrates, which will ‘reduce your appetite and make you feel really well and full of energy’.

How Many Calories Am I Allowed with Lighter Life Lite?


How Much Will Lighter Life Lite Cost?

3 food packs per day for 1 week will cost you £50.00. There will be additional cost for your own meal each day.

Can I try LighterLife before I commit?

No, unlike Weight Loss Resources, there is no free trial with Lighter Life.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of the Lighter Life Lite Diet?

  • tiredness
  • weakness
  • dizziness
  • insomnia
  • nausea
  • constipation
  • diarrhoea
  • dry skin
  • hair loss
  • menstrual changes
  • intolerance to cold

The Pros and Cons of the Lighter Life Diet

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