Lose Weight with a Diet Plate
By Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RD
When it comes to losing weight, most slimmers know how important it is to control their portions – but this is often easier said than done. According to Canadian scientists, using a portion-controlled plate may be the solution.
The research included 130 obese people with type 2 diabetes. Half continued with their normal diets whilst half were encouraged to use a plate with painted lines indicating suitable portion sizes for carbs, proteins, cheese and sauces. The trial group also received a bowl with markings to indicate a portion of breakfast cereal.
After six months, those using the plate had lost almost two percent more weight than the control group. Furthermore, 17 percent of the participants using the diet plate lost five percent or more of their body weight. Better still, more than a quarter of those using the diet plate were able to reduce their diabetic medication after six months, compared to just one in 10 people in the control group.
Dr Sue Pederson who led the trial says, “If you are overweight, losing five percent of your body weight is clinically significant because this decreases your risk of obesity-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease, and decreases your risk of dying from obesity. I find that most people know what constitutes a healthy food choice. But controlling portions and eating balanced meals present a problem.”
One of the participants in the study was overjoyed with the results after losing 20lb and 4in from her waist over the six months. She said, “The diet plate made me stop and think about my portions in pasta, rice and red meat. I realised I didn’t need all the extra fats and carbs that I was putting into my system. It taught me to eat slower and enjoy every mouthful.”
Dr Pederson sums up by stressing that this portion control tool is likely to be useful for anyone who wants to lose weight.
WLR says
This is a great idea. Weighing and measuring food all the time is one of the most effective ways to control calories but it can get tedious. Therefore, it’s great to find an easy way to control portions without having to always get out the scales.
As this study shows, using a plate like this really can help to shift those pounds and it teaches you what a typical portion size should be.
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