calories in different fresh vegetables in basket

Calories in Vegetables


Our chart shows how many calories in a selection of vegetables and vegetable products.

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Artichoke, Fresh, Raw

Calories in 100g of artichoke

Calories 47kcal
Carbohydrate 10.5g
Protein 3.3g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 5.4g

Calories in a serving (80g) of artichoke: 38kcal

Asparagus, Trimmed, Raw

Calories in 100g of asparagus

Calories 24.4kcal
Carbohydrate 1.9g
Protein 2.9g
Fat 0.6g
Fibre 1.7g

Calories in a serving (80g) of asparagus: 19.5kcal

Aubergine, Fresh, Raw

Calories in 100g of aubergine

Calories 14kcal
Carbohydrate 2.1g
Protein 0.9g
Fat 0.4g
Fibre 1.9g

Calories in a serving (80g) of aubergine: 12kcal

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Baked Potato, Flesh & Skin

Calories in 100g of jacket potato

Calories 109.0kcal
Carbohydrate 25.2g
Protein 2.3g
Fat 0.1g
Fibre 2.4g

Calories in a jacket potato (180g): 196.2kcal 

Beans, Broad, Fresh, Raw

Calories in 100g of broad beans

Calories 97kcal
Carbohydrate 11.7g
Protein 7.9g
Fat 0.6g
Fibre 6.5g

Calories in a serving (80g) of broad beans: 78kcal

Beans, Runner

Calories in 100g of runner beans

Calories 19kcal
Carbohydrate 2.8g
Protein 1.3g
Fat 0.4g
Fibre 2.2g

Calories in a serving (80g) of runner beans: 15kcal

Beetroot, Boiled

Calories in 100g of boiled beetroot

Calories 44kcal
Carbohydrate 10g
Protein 1.7g
Fat 0.18g
Fibre 2g

Calories in a serving (100g) of boiled beetroot: 44kcal

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Broccoli, Raw

Calories in 100g of raw broccoli

Calories 30.8kcal
Carbohydrate 1.7g
Protein 3.9g
Fat 0.9g
Fibre 2.6g

Calories in a serving (80g) of raw broccoli: 24.6kcal

Broccoli, Boiled, Average

Calories in 100g of broccoli

Calories 24.0kcal
Carbohydrate 1.1g
Protein 3.1g
Fat 0.8g
Fibre 2.3g

Calories in a serving (30g) of brocoli: 7kcal

Brussels Sprouts, Raw

Calories in 100g of brussels sprouts

Calories 35kcal
Carbohydrate 3.1g
Protein 3.3g
Fat 1g
Fibre 2.9g

Calories in a serving (80g) of brussels sprouts: 28kcal

Brussels Sprouts, Boiled

Calories in 100g of brussels sprouts

Calories 33kcal
Carbohydrate 3g
Protein 3g
Fat 1.2g
Fibre 3.3g

Calories in a serving (80g) of brussels sprouts: 27kcal

Butternut Squash, Raw, Unprepared

Calories in 100g of butternut squash

Calories 30kcal
Carbohydrate 6.8g
Protein 0.9g
Fat 0.1g
Fibre 1.3g

Calories in a serving (80g) of butternut squash: 24kcal

Cabbage, Boiled, Average

Calories in 100g of boiled cabbage

Calories 15.3kcal
Carbohydrate 2.2g
Protein 1.0g
Fat 0.3g
Fibre 1.7g

Calories in a serving (135g) of cabbage: 21kcal

Cabbage, Red, Raw

Calories in 100g of red cabbage

Calories 27kcal
Carbohydrate 5g
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 2.1g

Calories in a serving (80g) of red cabbage: 22kcal

Carrots, Raw

Calories in 100g of carrots

Calories 43kcal
Carbohydrate 10.1g
Protein 1.03g
Fat 0.19g
Fibre 3g

Calories in a carrot (60g): 25.8kcal

Carrots, Fresh, Boiled in Salted Water

Calories in 100g of carrots

Calories 22.0kcal
Carbohydrate 4.4g
Protein 0.6g
Fat 0.4g
Fibre 2.3g

Calories in a carrot (60g): 13kcal

Cauliflower, Boiled

Calories in 100g of boiled cauliflower

Calories 28kcal
Carbohydrate 2.1g
Protein 2.9g
Fat 0.9g
Fibre 1.6g

Calories in a serving (80g) of boiled cauliflower: 22.4kcal

Celery, Raw

Calories in 100g of celery

Calories 7.0kcal
Carbohydrate 0.9g
Protein 0.5g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.0g

Calories in a serving (40g) of celery: 3kcal

Chips, Deep Fried, Average

Calories in 100g of deep fried chips

Calories 204.5kcal
Carbohydrate 29.6g
Protein 3.16g
Fat 8.4g
Fibre 1.2g

Calories in a small serving (130g) of deep fried chips: 265.9kcal

Chips, Beefeater, Deep Fried, McCain

Calories in 100g of chips

Calories 253.0kcal
Carbohydrate 37.7g
Protein 3.3g
Fat 9.9g
Fibre 0.0g

Calories in a portion (100g) of chips: 253kcal 

Courgette, Raw

Calories in 100g of courgette

Calories 18kcal
Carbohydrate 1.8g
Protein 1.8g
Fat 0.4g
Fibre 0.9g

Calories in a serving (80g) of courgette: 14.4kcal

Cucumber, Raw

Calories in 100g of cucumber

Calories 10kcal
Carbohydrate 1.5g
Protein 0.7g
Fat 0.1g
Fibre 0.6g

Calories in a serving (80g) of cucmber: 8kcal

Fennel, Raw

Calories in 100g of fennel

Calories 12kcal
Carbohydrate 1.8g
Protein 0.9g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 2.4g

Calories in a serving (80g) of fennel: 10kcal

Fennel, Boiled

Calories in 100g of fennel

Calories 11kcal
Carbohydrate 1.5g
Protein 0.9g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 2.3g

Calories in a serving (80g) of fennel: 9kcal

Green Beans, Fine

Calories in 100g of fine green beans

Calories 23.5kcal
Carbohydrate 3.15g
Protein 1.8g
Fat 0.41g
Fibre 2.92g

Calories in a serving (80g) of fine grean beans: 18.8kcal

Kale, Raw

Calories in 100g of kale

Calories 28kcal
Carbohydrate 1.2g
Protein 2.9g
Fat 1.4g
Fibre 2.6g

Calories in a serving (80g) of kale: 22kcal

Kale, Boiled

Calories in 100g of kale

Calories 24kcal
Carbohydrate 1g
Protein 2.4g
Fat 1.1g
Fibre 2.8g

Calories in a serving (80g) of kale: 19kcal

Leek, Raw

Calories in 100g of leek

Calories 22kcal
Carbohydrate 2.9g
Protein 1.6g
Fat 0.5g
Fibre 2.2g

Calories in a serving (80g) of leek: 18kcal

Leek, Boiled

Calories in 100g of leek

Calories 21kcal
Carbohydrate 2.6g
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.7g
Fibre 1.7g

Calories in a serving (80g) of leek: 17kcal

Lettuce, Average

Calories in 100g of lettuce

Calories 14.3kcal
Carbohydrate 1.8g
Protein 1.1g
Fat 0.33g
Fibre 1.2g

Calories in a serving (shredded, 28g) of lettuce: 4kcal

Lettuce, Iceberg

Calories in 100g of lettuce

Calories 13.1kcal
Carbohydrate 1.8g
Protein 0.8g
Fat 0.3g
Fibre 0.4g

Calories in a serving (28g) of lettuce: 3.7kcal 

Lettuce, Little Gem

Calories in 100g of lettuce

Calories 15kcal
Carbohydrate 1.8g
Protein 0.8g
Fat 0.5g
Fibre 0.73g

Calories in a serving (90g) of Little Gem lettuce: 13.5kcal

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Mashed Potato (with Butter)

Calories in 100g of mashed potato

Calories 104.0kcal
Carbohydrate 15.5g
Protein 1.8g
Fat 4.3g
Fibre 1.1g

Calories in a serving (28g) of mashed potato: 29kcal 

Mixed Leaf Salad

Calories in 100g of mixed leaf salad

Calories 18.7kcal
Carbohydrate 2.9g
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.8g

Calories in a serving (80g) of mixed leaf salad: 15kcal

Mixed Salad, Tesco

Calories in 100g of salad

Calories 24.0kcal
Carbohydrate 4.2g
Protein 1.0g
Fat 0.3g
Fibre 2.0g

Calories in a serving (100g) of salad: 24kcal 

Mixed Vegetables, Frozen

Calories in 100g of frozen mixed veg

Calories 42.7kcal
Carbohydrate 6.5g
Protein 2.8g
Fat 0.7g
Fibre 2.6g

Calories in a serving (80g) of frozen mixed veg: 34.2kcal

Mushrooms, Button, Raw

Calories in 100g of Button Mushrooms

Calories 14.8kcal
Carbohydrate 0.5g
Protein 2.34g
Fat 0.44g
Fibre 1.2g

Calories in a serving (50g) of Button Mushrooms: 7.4kcal

Mushrooms, Closed Cap, Raw

Calories in 100g of closed cap mushrooms

Calories 13.5kcal
Carbohydrate 0.4g
Protein 1.8g
Fat 0.5g
Fibre 1.08g

Calories in a serving (handful, 30g) of closed cap mushrooms: 4.05kcal

Mushrooms, Fried, Average

Calories in 100g of mushrooms

Calories 157.0kcal
Carbohydrate 0.3g
Protein 2.4g
Fat 16.2g
Fibre 1.5g

Calories in a serving (28g) of mushrooms: 44kcal 

Olives, Black, Pitted

Calories in 100g of black olives

Calories 164kcal
Carbohydrate 3.5g
Protein 1g
Fat 16.2g
Fibre 3.1g

Calories in half a jar (82g) of black olives: 135kcal 

Olives, Green, Pitted

Calories in 100g of gree olives

Calories 130kcal
Carbohydrate 0.9g
Protein 1.1g
Fat 13.3g
Fibre 2.5g

Calories in half a jar (82g) of green olives: 106kcal 

Onions, Raw, Average

Calories in 100g of onions

Calories 38.2kcal
Carbohydrate 8g
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.3g

Calories in a serving (28g) of onions: 10.7kcal 

Onion, Red, Raw

Calories in 100g of red onion

Calories 36.7kcal
Carbohydrate 7.9g
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.5g

Calories in a serving (28g) of red onion: 10.3kcal

Onion, Spring, Raw

Calories in 100g of spring onion

Calories 25kcal
Carbohydrate 3g
Protein 2g
Fat 0.5g
Fibre 1.5g

Calories in a serving (28g) of spring onion: 7kcal

Okra, Raw

Calories in 100g of okra

Calories 23kcal
Carbohydrate 2.2g
Protein 2.1g
Fat 0.7g
Fibre 3g

Calories in a serving (80g) of okra: 18kcal

Parsnip, Raw

Calories in 100g of parsnip

Calories 62kcal
Carbohydrate 11.6g
Protein 1.7g
Fat 1g
Fibre 4.3g

Calories in a serving (80g) of parsnip: 49kcal

Parsnip, Boiled

Calories in 100g of parsnip

Calories 66kcal
Carbohydrate 12.9g
Protein 1.6g
Fat 1.2g
Fibre 4.7g

Calories in a serving (80g) of parsnip: 53kcal

Peas, Frozen

Calories in 100ml of frozen peas

Calories 72.8kcal
Carbohydrate 9.7g
Protein 6g
Fat 1g
Fibre 4.6g

Calories in a serving (85g) of frozen peas: 61.9kcal

Peas, Garden, Canned, Drained, Tesco

Calories in 100g of peas

Calories 55.0kcal
Carbohydrate 7.1g
Protein 4.8g
Fat 0.6g
Fibre 4.8g

Calories in a serving (93g) of peas: 49kcal 

Peas, Sugar Snap

Calories in 100g of sugar snap peas

Calories 33kcal
Carbohydrate 4.8g
Protein 3.2g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.4g

Calories in a serving (80g) of sugar snap peas: 27kcal

Potatoes, New, Boiled

Calories in 100g of boiled new potatoes

Calories 72kcal
Carbohydrate 17g
Protein 1.8g
Fat 0.1g
Fibre 1.2g

Calories in a serving (100g) of boiled new potatoes: 72kcal

Potatoes, Roast

Calories in 100g of roast potatoes (roasted in oil)

Calories 149kcal
Carbohydrate 25.9g
Protein 2.9g
Fat 4.5g
Fibre 1.8g

Calories in a serving (100g) of roast potatoes: 149kcal

Peppers, Green, Average

Calories in 100g of green peppers

Calories 15kcal
Carbohydrate 2.6g
Protein 0.8g
Fat 0.3g
Fibre 1.6g

Calories in a serving (28g) of green pepper: 4.2kcal

Pepper, Red, Average

Calories in 100g of peppers

Calories 26.6kcal
Carbohydrate 5.3g
Protein 0.8g
Fat 0.3g
Fibre 1.3g

Calories in a serving (28g) of red pepper: 7.4kcal 

Peppers, Yellow, Average

Calories in 100g of peppers

Calories 26kcal
Carbohydrate 5.3g
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.7g

Calories in a serving (28g) of yellow pepper: 7.3kcal

Pumpkin, Raw

Calories in 100g of pumpkin

Calories 26kcal
Carbohydrate 6.5g
Protein 1g
Fat 0.1g
Fibre 0.5g

Calories in a serving (80g) of pumpkin: 21kcal

Radish, Raw

Calories in 100g of radish

Calories 12kcal
Carbohydrate 1.9g
Protein 0.7g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 0.9g

Calories in a serving (28g) of radish: 3.4kcal

Rocket, Fresh, Raw

Calories in 100g of Rocket

Calories 15.6kcal
Carbohydrate 1.7g
Protein 0.8g
Fat 0.53g
Fibre 1.1g

Calories in a serving (80g) of Rocket: 12.5kcal

Spinach, Baby

Calories in 100g of Baby Spinach

Calories 25kcal
Carbohydrate 1.6g
Protein 2.8g
Fat 0.8g
Fibre 2.1g

Calories in a serving (90g) of Baby Spinach: 22.5kcal

Swede, Raw

Calories in 100g of swede

Calories 24kcal
Carbohydrate 5g
Protein 0.7g
Fat 0.3g
Fibre 1.6g

Calories in a serving (80g) of swede: 19kcal

Swede, Boiled

Calories in 100g of swede

Calories 11kcal
Carbohydrate 2.3g
Protein 0.3g
Fat 0.1g
Fibre 0.7g

Calories in a serving (80g) of swede: 9kcal

Sweet Potato, Boiled

Calories in 100g of sweet potato

Calories 84kcal
Carbohydrate 21g
Protein 1.1g
Fat 0.3g
Fibre 2.3g

Calories in an average sweet potato (200g): 168kcal

Sweetcorn, Canned

Calories in 100g of sweetcorn

Calories 79kcal
Carbohydrate 15g
Protein 2.7g
Fat 1.1g
Fibre 1.6g

Calories in a serving (80g) of sweetcorn: 63kcal

Sweetcorn, Cob

Calories in 100g of sweet potato

Calories 31kcal
Carbohydrate 5.7g
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.6g
Fibre 0.9g

Calories in an average cob (200g): 63kcal

Tomatoes, Tinned, Chopped

Calories in 100g of tinned chopped tomatoes

Calories 19.22kcal
Carbohydrate 3.32g
Protein 1.08g
Fat 0.16g
Fibre 0.92g

Calories in a serving (100g) of tinned chopped tomatoes: 19.22kcal

Tomato, Fresh, Raw

Calories in 100g of fresh raw tomato

Calories 18kcal
Carbohydrate 3.92g
Protein 0.88g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.2g

Calories in 1 medium tomato (123g): 22.1kcal

Tomato, Cherry, Raw

Calories in 100g of cherry tomatoes

Calories 18kcal
Carbohydrate 3.04g
Protein 0.73g
Fat 0.32g
Fibre 0.54g

Calories in a serving (80g) of cherry tomatoes: 14.4kcal

Tomatoes, Plum, Baby, Raw

Calories in 100g of Baby Plum Tomatoes

Calories 18.3kcal
Carbohydrate 2.3g
Protein 1.5g
Fat 0.33g
Fibre 1g

Calories in a serving (50g) of baby plum tomatoes: 9.2kcal

Turnip, Raw

Calories in 100g of turnip

Calories 17kcal
Carbohydrate 3.5g
Protein 0.7g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.8g

Calories in a serving (80g) of turnip: 14kcal

Turnip, Boiled

Calories in 100g of turnip

Calories 12kcal
Carbohydrate 2g
Protein 0.6g
Fat 0.2g
Fibre 1.9g

Calories in a serving (80g) of turnip: 10kcal

Watercress, Raw, Trimmed

Calories in 100g of watercress

Calories 22kcal
Carbohydrate 0.4g
Protein 3g
Fat 1g
Fibre 1.5g

Calories in one bunch (10g) of watercress: 0kcal

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