Calorie in Chicken

Calories in Chicken and Meat


Our list shows how many calories in a selection of chicken and meat products.

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Bacon, Back, Dry Fried or Grilled

With just 72 calories in an average rasher of bacon, it's easy to see why our members rated it as number 3 in their list of popular foods, while visitors to our website rated it as their number 8.

Calories in 100g of back bacon:

Calories 287kcal
Carbohydrate 0.1g
Protein 23.2g
Fat 21.6g
Fibre 0.0g

Calories in a rasher of bacon (25g): 72kcal

Beef Sausage

With the highest carbs per 100g, both members and visitors prefer a pork sausage to a beefy banger.  However, this may have something to do with the limited availability of beef sausages in the supermarket.

Calories in 100g of sausage:

Calories 252.0kcal
Carbohydrate 7.0g
Protein 14.5g
Fat 18.5g
Fibre 0.6g

Calories in a beef sausage (60g): 151kcal

Chicken Breast, Roasted, Traditional, Tesco

Prepacked chicken breast may be a quick and easy option for lunch, but remember to check the label for excess salt and extra additives.

Calories in 100g of chicken breast:

Calories 157.0kcal
Carbohydrate 0.2g
Protein 23.9g
Fat 6.7g
Fibre 0.1g

Calories in ½ pack chicken breast (123g): 193kcal

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Chicken Breast, Roast, Fillets, Skinless

Number one with members and visitors alike, fresh chicken breast has the lowest fat content of the fresh meats, and, being a white meat, it's a healthier option.

Calories in 100g of breast fillet:

Calories 145.8kcal
Carbohydrate 0.1g
Protein 24.8g
Fat 4.6g
Fibre 0.2g

Calories in a breast fillet (140g): 204kcal

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Beef Steak, Fillet, Cooked, Average

Fortunately a fillet steak needs very little doing to it in order to enjoy the flavour, so you don't bump up the calories with extra dressings and sauces.  Interestingly, a juicy steak is more popular with our visitors than our members - perhaps due to members being aware of the amount of red meat they are eating when entered into their food diaries.

Calories in 100g of fillet steak:

Calories 191.3kcal
Carbohydrate 0.0g
Protein 28.6g
Fat 8.5g
Fibre 0.0g

Calories in 200g of fillet steak: 382kcal

Gravy, Beef, Fresh, Sainsbury's

The traditional sauce to accompany your Sunday roast, a typical serving contains the lowest amount of protein in our list.

Calories in 100g of gravy:

Calories 56.4kcal
Carbohydrate 4.5g
Protein 2.4g
Fat 3.2g
Fibre 0.6g

Calories in a serving (83ml): 46.8kcal

Ham, Cooked, Sliced, Tesco

This particular brand has the lowest amount of fat per 100g and was in the top 10 favourites for both members and visitors.

Calories in 100g of ham:

Calories 115.0kcal
Carbohydrate 0.8g
Protein 21.8g
Fat 2.8g
Fibre 0.0g

Calories in a slice (30g) of ham: 34.5kcal

Lamb Kebab, Greek Style, Sainsbury's

With the second highest amount of carbs per 100g, this lamb kebab also has a bit more fibre than the other items in our list.  It's a great way to serve lamb - and even better if you make your own and add extra veg.

Calories in 100g of kebab:

Calories 282.0kcal
Carbohydrate 4.9g
Protein 16.1g
Fat 22g
Fibre 1.8g

Calories in a kebab (70g): 196kcal

Lamb Chop, Pan Fried, Asda*

With the second highest amount of calories and fat per 100g, and the second highest calorie value per serving, this is perhaps why our visitors rank it number 19 in their list of favourite meats; members didn't even rate it in their top 30. 

Calories in 100g of lamb chop:

Calories 323kcal
Carbohydrate 0.1g
Protein 23.8g
Fat 25.2g
Fibre 0.4g

Calories in 150g of lamb chop: 369kcal

Pork Chop, Grilled, Asda*

More popular with our members than our visitors, the good old pork chop has the highest amount of calories per serving in our list of favourites.

Calories in 100g of pork chop:

Calories 260.0kcal
Carbohydrate 0.0g
Protein 29.0g
Fat 16.0g
Fibre 0.0g

Calories in 200g of pork chop: 520kcal

Pork Sausage, Grilled

Pork sausages fare poorly in our list, with 100g having the highest amount of calories and fat. While visitors voted 12th most popular, our members had the pork sausage at number 26 - again showing that it pays to log your food to see exactly what you are eating.

Calories in 100g of sausage:

Calories 339kcal
Carbohydrate 0g
Protein 19.43g
Fat 28.36g
Fibre 0.0g

Calories in a pork sausage (45g): 153kcal

Roast Beef, Sliced, Average

A good choice when you're concerned with the amount of fat in your diet - sliced beef has the 2nd lowest amount, with just 3.6g per 100g.  

Calories in 100g of roast beef:

Calories 136.4kcal
Carbohydrate 0.4g
Protein 26.1g
Fat 3.6g
Fibre 0.2g

Calories in a slice of roast beef (35g): 47.7kcal

Roast Lamb, Leg

Calories in 100g of lamb:

Calories 237.3kcal
Carbohydrate 0.0g
Protein 28.6g
Fat 13.6g
Fibre 0.0g

Our survey shows that members prefer a roast leg of lamb to a lamb chop, while visitors prefer the opposite. 

Calories in a serving (100g) of roast lamb: 237.3kcal

For most of us, meat is an important source of valuable cell building proteins, necessary dietary fats, vitamins and minerals. Little wonder then that when we surveyed the items commonly entered into our online food diaries, meat products feature highly.

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