Jeremy's Calorie Counting Success
Start Weight | 13st 10lbs |
Current Weight | 11st 10lbs |
Goal Weight | 11st 10lbs |
Weight Lost | 2st |
Working to Rate of Loss | 2lbs per week |
Time Taken | 4 months |
About Jeremy
I work full-time in an office and have a fairly sedentary lifestyle, but like many people, go through bouts of activity and inactivity.
I’m not a huge drinker, but the occasional night out in the pub with friends is a must. I enjoy variety in life from museums and art galleries to playing with my young nieces.
I live with my partner who, coming from Greece, loves home cooking and big dinners, often using lots of olive oil, which although healthy, is very calorific.
I’m a middle ranking manager in the UK Civil Service and I work pretty much 9-5 in a small office...
"Where one individual is nicknamed the ‘feeder’ because he’s always bringing in cakes, biscuits etc and offering them around."
What diets have you tried in the past?
I’ve tried Atkins, Dukan and detoxing.
I lost a lot of weight very quickly on both Atkins and Dukan, but found both really just a short-term option.
The lack of vegetables and fruit made both horrid to do and I felt very unhealthy on them. Needless to say I lasted about 2 weeks on both.
Detoxing is really starvation and not a long-term option either. I had never done a proper calorie controlled diet before joining WLR.
Tell us how your weight has affected your lifestyle and other people’s reactions to you?
Last year, before joining WLR, I had put on over a stone as my partner moved in and I started feeling very down over my weight. It made me slower, more tired, and rather horribly, sweat more in the summer.
What has been your main motivation to lose weight?
Looking in the mirror, but also friends noticing and commenting.
"When my BMI went over 28 and I was only half a stone from being ‘obese’ and my 40th birthday loomed large, I decided enough was enough."
Which tools and resources do you use regularly on WLR? Which tools do you find invaluable?
I use the food and exercise diaries mainly. I try to stick to both religiously, as I found if you do, that’s when you really see the difference.
"Once or twice I didn’t add a treat or extra pudding but realised I was only cheating myself by doing that."
I also like the forums and hearing what other people are going through, although would welcome a few more men sharing experiences on there.
Try WLR's tools for yourself
Weight loss is easy with the tools in WLR. You can use the information on Weight Loss Resources to count how many calories you need to consume each day and how many you are actually eating.
Have you purchased or used any products or fitness equipment that has helped you with your goals?
Yes, scales which monitor weight and body fat and electronic kitchen scales to weigh food.
Both have been essential. Just recently I’ve bought a Heart Rate Monitor for when I’m in the gym as I tend to have a naturally high heart rate and want to make sure it doesn’t go too high.
Why do you think WLR has helped you lose weight where other diets have failed?
It’s the first time I’ve done a proper calorie controlled diet.
"WLR provided the resources and tools for that and the helpteam are supportive."
I really like the mobile phone version which is invaluable when I’m not near a computer or travelling on business being tempted by free dinners and free flowing wine
Have you struggled at points in your weight loss journey? Experienced a weight loss plateau?
Yes, I had a 3 week plateau and one week when I actually put on weight. All were because of too much booze and food.
"Alcohol was the worst thing for me, not only because of the calories in it, but also because it would make me crave carbohydrates the next day."
I kept going though as I knew I had to. On the verge of turning 40 and I didn’t want to start my next decade and (hopefully) next half of my life overweight.
"My motto became ‘fit at forty’."
Since losing weight can you give some examples of how your life has changed??
I have more energy. I enjoy shopping for clothes more and I can actually stand to look in the mirror. I also sweat less.
What exercise routines have you adopted?
My partner and I joined a badminton club which we go to once a week.
"I was surprised at just how many calories this burned off even with my ‘recreational’ play."
I also try to get to the gym twice a week and cycle and walk around the City more. I think it’s made a lot of the difference.
I try and save my exercise calories for use at the weekend.
What do you love about your body now?
The fact I can actually buy clothes from more high street shops, places like the Gap barely had anything I could get into, before!
Jeremy’s Tips
- Joining a sports club is very helpful as its social, as well as doing exercise.
- Not cheating on your diary entries. You are only lying to yourself.
- Don’t ban any foods. I still eat everything I did before, but a lot less of some things (e.g peanuts and crisps) and more of others (e.g. berries which I now nibble on when I'm watching a movie). You can also find some good substitutes as well, e.g. I often have a low calorie chocolate dessert (about 110 calories) rather than say a slice of cake of trifle (300 calories).
- Finally, DRINK LESS ALCOHOL. I didn’t ban it altogether though as WLR suggests, but cut down a lot and moved away from beer to spirits and wine.
Lose Weight and Get Healthier
Want to know how to lose weight like Jeremy? Weight Loss is easy with the tools in WLR. We give you everything you need to count calories plus advice on ways to lose weight healthily.
* Note: The success stories published on Weight Loss Resources are written by WLR members, past and present, telling their own stories in their own words. As you will see if you read more than one or two of them, everyone's story is different and they have reached their success from a variety of starting points and lost weight at varying rates. Individual results may vary.